Introductory matter

The drift and ende of this Epistle, is to shew that Iesus Christ the Sonne of God both God and man, is that true eternal and only Prophet, King, and high Preist, that was shadowed by the figures of the olde Law, & is now in deed exhibited: of whom the whole Church ought to be taught, gouerned, and sanctified.


1 To shewe that the doctrine which Christ brought, is most excellent, in that it is the knitting vp of all prophecies, 4 he aduanceth him aboue the Angels: 10 And proueth by diuers testimonies of the Scripture, that he farre passeth all other.

1 At [Note: [1] The first part of the generall proposition of this Epistle: The Sonne of God is in deede that Prophet or teacher, which hath actually now performed that that God after a sort and in shadowes signified by his Prophets, and hath fully opened his Fathers will to the worlde. ] sundry times and in diuers maners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the Prophetes: in these [Note: [a] So that the former declaration made by the Prophets was not full, and nothing must bee added to this latter. ] last dayes hee hath spoken vnto vs by his [Note: [b] Which one Sonne is God and man. ] Sonne,

2 [Note: [2] The second part of the same proposition: The same Sonne is appointed of the Father to be our King and Lord, by whom also he made all things, and in whom onely he setteth forth his glory, yea and himselfe also to be beholden of vs, who beareth vp and susteineth all things by his wil & pleasure. ] Whom he hath made [Note: [c] Posseßour and equall compartner of all things with the Father. ] heire of al things, by whome also he made the [Note: [d] That is, whatsoeuer hath bene at any time, is, or shalbe. ] worldes,

3 [Note: Col.1.15. ] Who being the [Note: [e] He in whome that glory and Maiestie of the Father shineth, who is otherwise infinite, and cannot be beholden. ] brightnes of the glory, and the ingraued forme of his [Note: [f] His Fathers person. ] person, and [Note: [g] Susteineth, defendeth, and cherisheth. ] bearing vp all things by his mightie worde, [Note: [3] The thirde part of the same proposition: The same Sonne executed the office of the hie Priest in offering vp himselfe, and is our onely and most mightie Mediatour in heauen. ] hath by himselfe purged our sinnes, and [Note: [h] This sheweth that the sauour of that his sacrifice is not only most acceptable to the Father, but also is euerlasting, and furthermore howe farre this high Priest paßeth all the other high Priests. ] sitteth at the right hand of the Maiestie in the highest places,

4 [Note: [4] Before he cometh to declare the office of Christ, he setteth forth the excellencie of his person, & first of all he sheweth him so to be man, that therewithall he is God also. ] And is made so much more excellent then the Angels, in as much as hee hath obteined a more excellent [Note: [i] Dignitie and honour. ] Name then they.

5 [Note: [5] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] For vnto which of the Angels saide he at any time, [Note: Psal.2.7. chap.5.5. ] Thou art my Sonne, [Note: [k] The Father begate the Sonne from euerlasting, but that euerlasting generation was made manifest and represented to the world in his time, and therefore he addeth this word (To day) ] this day begate I thee? [Note: [6] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] and againe, I [Note: 2.Sam.7.14.1. chro.22.10. ] will be his Father, and he shalbe my Sonne?

6 [Note: [7] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] And [Note: [l] The Lord was not content to haue spoken it once, but he repeateth it in another place. ] againe, when he bringeth in his first begotten Sonne into the worlde, hee saith, [Note: Psal.97.7. ] And let all the Angels of God worship him.

7 [Note: [8] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] And of the Angels he saith, [Note: Psal.104.4. ] He maketh the spirites his [Note: [m] Cherub, psa.18.11. ] messengers, and his ministers a flame [Note: [n] Seraph, Esai.6.2. ] of fire.

8 But vnto the Sonne he saith, [Note: Psal.4.5.7. ] O God, thy [Note: [o] The throne is proper to the Prince, & not to the seruant. ] throne is for euer [Note: [p] For euerlasting, for this doubling of the word increaseth the signification of it beyod al measure. ] and euer: the scepter of thy kingdome is a [Note: [q] The gouernment of thy kingdome is righteous. ] scepter of righteousnes.

9 Thou hast loued righteousnes & [Note: [r] This kinde of rehearsing which the Iewes vse by contraries, hath great force in it. ] hated iniquitie. Wherefore God, eue thy God, hath [Note: [s] In that, that the word became flesh, by powring the holy Ghost vpon him without measure. ] anointed thee wt the oyle of gladnes aboue thy [Note: [t] For he is the head and we are his members. ] felowes.

10 [Note: [9] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] And, [Note: Psalme 102.25. ] Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast [Note: [u] Madest the earth firme & sure. ] established the earth, and the heauens are the workes of thine handes.

11 They shall perish, but thou doest remaine: and they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment.

12 And as a vesture shalt thou folde them vp, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy yeeres shall not faile.

13 [Note: [10] He proueth and confirmeth the diuinitie of Christ manifested in the flesh, by these sixe euident testimonies, whereby it appeareth that hee farre passeth all Angels, in so much that he is called both Sonne, and God, in the verses ] Vnto which also of the Angels saide he at any time, [Note: Psal.110.1.1. cor.15.25. chap.10.12,13. ] Sit at my right hand, til I make thine enemies thy footestoole?

14 Are they not al [Note: [x] By that name by which we comonly call Princes meßengers, he here calleth the spirits. ] ministring spirits, sent forth to minister, for their sakes which shalbe heires of saluation?


1 Thereof he inferreth, that good heede must be giuen to Christs doctrine: 9 And he setteth him out vnto vs euen as our brother in our flesh, that we may with a good will yeelde vp our selues wholy vnto him.

1 Wherefore [Note: [1] Now as it were pausing with himselfe, & shewing to what end and purpose al these things were spoke, to wit, to vnderstand by the excellencie of Christ aboue all creatures, that his doctrine, maiestie, and Priesthode, is most perfect, he vseth an exhortation taken fro a comparison. ] wee ought diligently to giue heede to the thinges which [Note: [a] Hee maketh himselfe an hearer. ] wee haue heard, lest at any time we [Note: [b] They are saide to let the word runne out, which holde it not fast when they haue heard it. ] runne out.

2 For if the [Note: [c] The Law which appointed punishment for the offenders: and which Paul saith was giuen by Angels, Gal.3.19. and Steuen, Acts.7.53. ] worde spoken by Angels was stedfast, and euery transgression, and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward,

3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great saluation, [Note: [2] If the breach and transgression of the worde spoken by Angels was not suffred vnpunished, much lesse shall it bee lawfull for vs to neglect the Gospel which the Lorde of Angels preached, and was confirmed by the voyce of the Apostles, and with so many signes and wonders from heauen, and especially with so great and mightie working of the holy Ghost. ] which at the first began to be preached [Page]

[Christes excellencie.]

by the Lorde, and afterward was confirmed vnto vs by [Note: [d] By the Apostles. ] them that heard him,

4 [Note: Marke 16 20. ] God bearing witnes thereto, both with [Note: [e] This is the true ende of miracles. Now they are called signes, because they appeare one thing, and represent another: and they are called wonders, because they represent some strange and vnaccustomed thing: and vertues, because they giue vs a glimce of Gods mightie power. ] signes and wonders, & with diuers miracles, and gifts of the holy Ghost, according to his owne wil?

5 [Note: [3] If it were an hainous matter to contemne the Angels which are but seruats, much more hainous is it to cotemne that most mightie King of the restored world. ] For he hath not put in subiection vnto the Angels the [Note: [f] The world to come, whereof Christ is Father, Esa.9.6. or the Church, which as a new world, was to be gathered together by the Gospell. ] world to come, whereof we speake.

6 [Note: [4] Hee sheweth that the vse of this kingly dignitie cosisteth herein, that men might not onely in Christ recouer that dignitie which they haue lost, but also might be through him aduanced aboue all thinges: which dignitie of men Dauid describeth most excellently. ] But [Note: Psal.8.6. ] one in a certaine place witnessed, saying, [Note: [g] What is there in man that thou shouldest haue so great regard of him, and do him that honour? ] What is man, that thou shouldest bee mindefull of him? or the [Note: [h] He calleth all the citizens of that heauenly kingdome as they are considered in themselues, before that God giueth them the libertie of that citie in Christ, Man, & Sonne of man. ] sonne of man, that thou wouldest consider him?

7 Thou [Note: [i] This is the first honour of the citizens of the worlde to come, that they are next the Angels. ] madest him a litle inferiour to ye Angels: thou crownedst him with [Note: [k] For they shalbe in very great honor when they shalbe partakers of the kingdome. And he speaketh of the thing that shalbe, as though it were alreadie, because it is so certaine. ] glory & honour, and hast set him aboue the workes of thine hands.

8 [Note: 1.Corinth.15.27. ] Thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feete. And in that he hath put all things in subiection vnder him, he left nothing that should not be subiect vnto him. [Note: [5] An obiection: But where is this so great rule and dominion? ] But we yet see not all things subdued vnto him,

9 [Note: [6] The answere: This is alreadie fulfilled in Iesus Christ our head, who was for a time for our sakes inferiour to the Angels, being made man: but nowe is aduaunced into most high glorie. ] But we [Note: [l] By his vertue and power which appeareth manifestly in the Church. ] see Iesus crowned with glory and honour, [Note: Phil 2.8. ] which was made litle [Note: [m] Who abased himselfe for a season, and tooke vpon him the shape of a seruant. ] inferiour to the Angels, [Note: [7] He sheweth the cause of this subiection, to wit, to taste of death for our sakes, that so doing the part of a redeemer, he might not only be our Prophet and King, but also our high Priest. ] through the [Note: [n] That he might die. ] suffering of death, that by Gods grace he might [Note: [o] Feele death. ] taste death for [Note: [8] Herein consisteth the force of the argument: for we coulde not at length bee glorified with him, vnlesse he had bene abased for vs euen all the faithfull. And by this occasion the Apostle commeth to the other part of the declaration of Christs person, wherein hee prooueth him to be in such sort God that hee is also man. ] all men.

10 [Note: [9] Hee proueth moreouer by other arguments, why it behoued the Sonne of God who is true God (as hee proued a litle before) to become man notwithstanding, subiect to all miseries, sinne onely except. ] For it became [Note: [p] God. ] him, for whome are all these thinges, and by whome are all these things, [Note: [10] First of all, because the Father, to whose glorie all these thinges are to be referred, purposed to bring many sonnes vnto glory. And howe coulde he haue men for his sonnes, vnlesse his onely begotten Sonne had become brother to men? ] seeing that hee brought many children vnto glory, [Note: [11] Secondly, The Father determined to bring those sonnes to glory, to wit, out of that ignominie wherein they laye before. Therefore the Sonne shoulde not haue bene seene plainely to be made man, vnlesse he had bene made like vnto other men, that hee might come to glorie by the selfe same way, by the which he should bring other: yea rather, it became him which was Prince of the saluation of other, to be consecrated aboue other, through those afflictions, Prophet, King and Priest, which are the partes of that principalitie for the saluation of other. ] that he should consecrate the [Note: [q] The Chieftaine, who as hee is chiefest in dignitie, so is hee the first begotten from among the dead, amongst many brethren. ] Prince of their saluation through afflictions.

11 [Note: [12] The ground of both the former arguments: for neither should we be sonnes through him, neither coulde hee be consecrate through afflictions, vnlesse hee had bene made man like vnto vs. But because this Sonnehoode dependeth not vpon nature onely, for no man is accompted the sonne of God, vnlesse that besides that hee is a sonne of man, hee be also Christes brother, (which is by sanctification, that is, by becomming one with Christ, who sanctifieth vs through faith) therefore the Apostle maketh mention of the sanctifier, to wit, of Christ, and of them that are sanctified, to wit, of all the faithfull, whome therefore Christ vouchsafeth to call brethren. ] For he that [Note: [r] Hee vseth the time that nowe is, to shewe vs that wee are yet still going on, and increasing in this sanctification: and by sanctification hee meaneth our separation from the rest of the worlde, our cleansing from sinne, and our dedication wholy vnto God, all which Christ alone worketh in vs. ] sanctifieth, and they which are sanctified, are all of [Note: [s] One, of one selfe same nature of man. ] one: wherefore he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

[Christ like vnto vs.]

12 [Note: [13] That which he taught before of the incarnation of the sanctifier, hee applieth to the prophetical office, ] Saying, [Note: Psal.22 25. ] I will declare thy Name vnto my brethren: in the middes of the Church will I sing praises to thee.

13 [Note: [14] He applieth the same to the kingly power of Christ, in deliuering his from the power of the deuil and death. ] And againe, [Note: Psalme 18.2. ] I will put my [Note: [t] I will commit my selfe to him, and to his defence. ] trust in him. And againe, [Note: Esai.8.18. ] [Note: [u] This Esai speaketh of himselfe and his disciples, but betokening thereby all ministers, as also his disciples signifie the whole Church. And therefore seeing Christ is the head of the Prophets & Ministers, these wordes are more rightly verified of him, then of Esay. ] Beholde, here am I, and the children which God hath giuen me.

14 Forasmuch then as the children are [Note: [x] Are made of flesh and blood, which is a fraile and brittle nature. ] partakers of flesh and blood, he also himselfe likewise tooke part with them, that hee might destroye [Note: Hose.13.14. 1.corinth.15.55. ] through death, him that had the [Note: [y] The deuill is said to haue the power of death, because he is the author of sinne: and from sinne commeth death, and for this cause he eggeth vs dayly to sinne. ] power of death, that is the [Note: [z] He speaketh of one as of the Prince, ioyning to him secretly all his angels. ] deuil,

15 And that he might deliuer all them, which for feare of [Note: [a] By (death) thou must vnderstand here, that death which is ioyned with the wrath of God, as it must needes be if it bee without Christ, then the which there can be nothing deuised more miserable. ] death were all their life time subiect to bondage.

16 [Note: [15] He expoundeth those wordes of flesh and blood, shewing that Christ is true man, and that not by turning his diuine nature, but by taking of mans nature. And hee nameth Abraham, respecting the promises made to Abraham in this behalfe. ] For he in no sort tooke on him the [Note: [b] The nature of Angels. ] Angels nature, but hee tooke on him the [Note: [c] The very nature of man. ] seede of Abraham.

17 [Note: [16] He applieth the same to the Priesthode, for which he should not haue bene fit, vnlesse he had become man, and that like vnto vs in all things, sinne only except. ] Wherefore in [Note: [d] Not only as touching nature, but qualities also. ] all things it behoued him to be made like vnto his brethren, that hee might be [Note: [e] That he might be truely touched with the feeling of our miseries. ] mercifull, and a [Note: [f] Doing his office sincerely. ] faithfull hie Priest in things concerning God, that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people.

18 For in that he suffered, and was [Note: [g] Was tried, & egged to wickednes by the deuil. ] tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.


1 Nowe hee sheweth howe farre inferiour Moses is to Christ, 5. 6 euen so much as the seruant to the Master: and so hee bringeth in certaine exhortations and threatnings taken out of Dauid, 8 against such as either stubburnely resist, 12 or els are very slowe to obey.

1 Therefore, [Note: [1] Hauing layde the foundation, that is to say, declared and proued both the natures of one selfe same Christ, he giueth him three offices, to wit, the office of a Prophet, King, and Priest, and as touching the office of teaching and gouerning, compareth him with Moses and Ioshua, vnto the 14. verse of the next Chapter, & with Aaron, touching the Priesthode. And he propoudeth that which he purposeth to speake of, with a most graue exhortation, that all our faith may tend to Christ, as to the onely euerlasting teacher, gouernour, and high Priest. ] holy brethren, partakers of the heauenly vocation, consider the [Note: [a] The Embaßadour and meßenger, as Rom. 15 hee is called the minister of Circumcision. ] Apostle and high Priest of our [Note: [b] Of the doctrine of the Gospell which we professe. ] profession Christ Iesus:

2 [Note: [2] He confirmeth this exhortation with two reasons, first of all, because Christ Iesus was appointed such an one of God: secondly, because he throughly executed the offices that his Father enioyned him. ] Who was faithfull to him that hath [Note: [c] Apostle and high Priest. ] appointed him, [Note: [3] Nowe he commeth to the comparison with Moses, and he maketh them like one to the other in this, that they were both appointed rulers ouer Gods house, and executed faithfully their office: but by & by after he sheweth that there is great vnlikelinesse in that same similitude. ] euen as [Note: Nomb.12.7. ] Moses was in al his house.

3 [Note: [4] The first comparison: The builder of the house is better then the house it selfe, therefore is Christ better then Moses. The reason of the consequent is this: because the builder of this house is God, which cannot bee attributed to Moses: and therefore Moses was not properly the builder, but a part of the house: but Christ as Lord and God, made all this house. ] For this man is counted worthy of more glory then Moses, inasmuch as he which hath builded the house, hath more honour then the house.

4 For euery house is builded of some man, and he that hath built all things, is God.

5 [Note: [5] An other comparison: Moses was a faithfull seruant in this house, that is, in the Church, seruing the Lord that was to come: but Christ ruleth and gouerneth his house as Lord. ] Now Moses verely was faithfull in all his house, as a seruant, for a witnesse of the thinges

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[Of the disobedient.]

which should be spoken after.
6 But Christ is as the Sonne, ouer his owne house, [Note: [6] He applieth the former doctrine to his ende, exhorting all men by the wordes of Dauid to heare the Sonne himselfe speake, and to giue full credite to his wordes, seeing that otherwise they can not enter into that eternall rest. ] whose [Note: [d] To wit, Christs. ] house we are, if we holde fast that [Note: [e] He calleth that excellent effect of faith (whereby we crie Abba, that is, Father) confidence, and to confidence he ioyneth hope. ] confidence and that reioycing of that hope vnto the ende.

7 Wherefore, as the holy Ghost sayth, [Note: Psal.95.8. chap.4.7. ] To day if ye [Note: [f] So that God was to speake once againe after Moses. ] shall heare his voyce,

8 Harden not your hearts, as in the [Note: [g] In the day that they vexed the Lorde, or stroue with him. ] prouocation, according to the day of the tentation in the wildernes,

9 Where your fathers tempted me, prooued me, and sawe my workes fourtie yeeres long.

10 Wherefore I was grieued with that generation, and sayde, They [Note: [h] They are brutish and mad. ] erre euer in their heart, neither haue they knowen my wayes.

11 Therefore I sware in my wrath, If they shall enter into my rest.

12 [Note: [7] Now weying the wordes of Dauid, he sheweth first by this word, To day, that we must not neglect the occasion while we haue it: for that worde is not to be restrained to Dauids time, but it comprehendeth all that time wherin God calleth vs. ] Take heede, brethren, least at any time there be in any of you an euill heart, and vnfaithfull, to depart away from the liuing God.

13 But exhort one another dayly, [Note: [i] While to day lasteth, that is to say, so long as the Gospel is offred to vs. ] while it is called to day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulnes of sinne.

14 [Note: [8] Nowe hee considereth these wordes, If you heare his voyce, &c. shewing that they are spoken and meant of the hearing of faith, against which hee setteth hardening through vnbeliefe. ] For we are made partakers of Christ, if we keepe sure vnto the ende that [Note: [k] That beginning of trust & confidence: & after the maner of the Hebrues, he calleth that, beginning, which is chiefest. ] beginning, wherewith we are vpholden,

15 [Note: [l] So long as this voyce soundeth out. ] So long as it is sayd, To day if ye heare his voyce, harden not your hearts, as in the prouocation.

16 For some when they heard, prouoked him to anger: howbeit, not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.

17 But with whome was he displeased fourtie yeeres? Was hee not displeased with them that sinned, [Note: Nom.14.37. ] whose carkeises fell in the wildernes?

18 And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but vnto them yt obeyed not?

19 So we see that they could not enter in, because of vnbeliefe.


1 He ioyneth exhortation with threatning, lest they, euen as their fathers were, be depriued of the rest offered vnto them, 11 but that they endeuour to enter into it: 14 And so hee beginneth to intreate of Christes Priesthoode.

1 Let vs feare therefore, least at any time by forsaking the promes of entring into his rest, any of you should seeme to be depriued.

2 [Note: [1] By these words, His voyce, he sheweth that Dauid ment the preaching of Christ, who was then also preached, for Moses & the Prophets respected none other. ] For vnto vs was the Gospel preached as also vnto them: but the worde that they heard, profited not them, because it was not [Note: [a] He compareth the preaching of the Gospel to drinke, which being drunke, that is to say, heard, profiteth nothing, vnleße it be tempered with faith. ] mixed with faith in those that heard it.

3 [Note: [2] Lest any man shoulde obiect, that those wordes were ment of the land of Canaan, and of Moses doctrine, and therefore cannot well be drawen to Christ, and to eternall life, the Apostle sheweth that there are two maner of rests spoken of in the Scriptures: the one, of the seuenth day, wherein God is sayd to haue rested from all his workes: an other is sayd to be that same, whereinto Ioshua led the people: but this rest is not the last rest whereunto we are called, and that he proueth by two reasons. For seeing that Dauid so long time after, speaking to the people which were then placed in the land of Canaan, vseth these wordes, To day, and threatneth them still that they shall not enter into the rest of God, which refused then the voyce of God that sounded in their eares, we must needes say that he ment another time then the time of Moses, and another rest then the rest of the land of Canaan: And that is, that euerlasting rest, wherein we begin to liue to God, after that the race of this life ceaseth: as God rested the seuenth day from those his workes, that is to say, from making the world. Moreouer the Apostle therewithall signifieth that the way to this rest, which Moses and the land of Canaan and all that order of the Law did shadow, is opened in the Gospel onely. ] For we which haue beleeued, doe enter

[Of Gods worde.]

into rest, as he said to the other, [Note: Psal.95.11. ] As I haue sworne in my wrath, If they shall enter into my rest: although the workes were finished from the foundation of the world.

4 For he spake in a certaine place of the seuenth day on this wise, [Note: Gene.2.2. deut.5.14. ] And God did rest the seuenth day from all his workes.

5 And in this place againe, If they shall enter into my rest.

6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter thereinto, & they to whom it was first preached, entred not therein for vnbeliefes sake:

7 Againe he appointed in Dauid a certaine day, by To day, after so long a time, saying, as it is sayd, [Note: Chap.3.7. ] This day, if ye heare his voyce, harden not your hearts.

8 For if [Note: [b] He speaketh of Ioshua the sonne of Nun: and as the land of Canaan was a figure of our true rest, so was Ioshua a figure of Christ. ] Iesus had giuen them rest, then would he not after this haue spoke of an other day.

9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

10 [Note: [c] As God rested the seuenth day, so must we rest from our workes, that is, from such as proceede from our corrupt nature. ] For he that is entred into his rest, hath also ceased from his owne works, as God did from his.

11 [Note: [3] He returneth to an exhortation. ] Let vs studie therefore to enter into that rest, lest [Note: [d] Lest any man become a like example of infidelitie. ] any man fall after the same ensample of disobedience.

12 [Note: [4] An amplification taken from the nature of the word of God, the power whereof is such, that it entreth euen to the deepest and most inward and secret partes of the heart, wounding them deadly that are stubburne, & plainly quickening the beleeuers. ] For the [Note: [e] The doctrine of God which is preached both in the Lawe and in the Gospel. ] worde of God is [Note: [f] He calleth the worde of God liuely, by reason of the effects it worketh in them, to whome it is preached. ] liuely, and mightie in operation, & sharper then any two edged sword, and entreth through, euen vnto the diuiding asunder of the [Note: [g] He calleth that the soule, which hath the affections resident in it. ] soule and the [Note: [h] By the spirit, he meaneth that noblest part which is called the minde. ] spirit, and of the ioints, and the marow, and is a discerner of the thoughtes, and the intents of the heart.

13 Neither is there any creature, which is not manifest in [Note: [i] In Gods sight. ] his sight: but all things are naked and open vnto his eyes, with whome we haue to doe.

14 [Note: [5] Now he entreth into the comparison of Christes Priesthoode with Aarons, and declareth euen in the very beginning the marueilous excellencie of this Priesthoode, calling him the Sonne of God, and placing him in the seate of God in heauen, plainely and euidently setting him against Aarons Priests, and the transitorie tabernacle: which comparisons he setteth forth afterward more at large. ] Seeing then that wee haue a great hie Priest, which is entred into heauen, euen Iesus the Sonne of God, let vs [Note: [k] And let it not go out of our hands. ] holde fast our profession.

15 [Note: [6] Lest he might seeme by this great glory of our hie Priest, to stay and stop vs from going vnto him, he addeth straightwayes after, that he is notwithstanding our brother in deede, (as he proued it also before) and that he accompteth all our miseries, his owne, to call vs boldly to him. ] For we haue not an hie Priest, which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted in like sort, yet without sinne.

16 Let vs therefore goe boldly vnto ye throne of grace, that we may receiue mercy, and finde grace to helpe in time of neede.


1 First he sheweth the duetie of the hie Priest: 5 Secondly, that Christ is appointed of God to be our hie Priest, 7 and that he hath fulfilled all things belonging thereunto.

1 For [Note: [1] The first part of the first comparison of Christes hie Priesthoode, with Aarons: Other hie Priests are taken from among men, and are called after the order of men. ] euery hie Priest is taken from among men, and is ordeined for men, in things pertaining to God, [Note: [2] The first part of the second comparison: Others as weake, are made hie Priests, to the ende that feeling the same infirmitie in them selues which is in all the rest of the people, they should in their owne and the peoples name offer giftes and sacrifices, which are witnesses of common fayth and repentance. ] that he may offer both [Note: [a] Offerings of things without life. ] giftes and [Note: [b] Beasts which were killed, but especially in the sacrifices for sinnes and offences. ] sacrifices for sinnes,

2 Which is [Note: [c] Fit and meete. ] able sufficiently to haue compassion [Note: [d] On them that are sinfull: for in the Hebrewe tongue, vnder ignorance and errour in euery sinne meant, euen that sinne that is voluntarie. ] on them that are ignorant, and that are [Page]

[Melchi-sedecs Priesthoode.]

out of the way, because that hee also is [Note: [e] For that he him selfe beareth about with him a nature subiect to the same discommodities and vices. ] compassed with infirmitie,

3 And for the sames sake he is bound to offer for sinnes, as wel for his own part, as for ye peoples.

4 [Note: 1.Chro.13.10. and 23.13. ] [Note: [3] The third comparison which is whole. The others are called of God, and so was Christ, but in an other order then Aaron: for Christ is called the Sonne, begotten of God, and a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedec. ] And no man taketh this honor vnto him selfe, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.

5 So likewise Christ tooke not to him selfe this honour, to be made the hie Priest, but hee that sayd vnto him, [Note: Psal.2.7. chap.1.5. ] Thou art my Sonne, this day begate I thee, gaue it him.

6 As he also in another place speaketh, [Note: Psal.110.4. chap.7.17. ] Thou art a Priest for euer, after ye [Note: [f] After the likenes or maner as it is afterward declared, Chap.7.15. ] order of Melchi-sedec.

7 [Note: [4] The other part of the second comparison: Christ being exceedingly afflicted, & exceedingly mercifull, asked, not for his sinnes, for he had none, but for his feate, and obtained his request, and offred himselfe for all his. ] Who in the [Note: [g] While he liued here with vs, in our weake and fraile nature. ] dayes of his flesh did offer vp prayers and supplications, with strong crying and teares vnto him, that was able to [Note: [h] To deliuer him from death. ] saue him from death, and was also heard in that which he feared.

8 And though he were ye Sonne, yet [Note: [i] Hee learned in deede what it is to haue a Father, whome a man must obey. ] learned he obedience, by the things which he suffered.

9 [Note: [5] The other part of the first comparison: But Christ was consecrate of God the Father as the Authour of our saluation, and an hie Priest for euer, and therefore he is so a man, that notwithstanding he is farre aboue all men. ] And being [Note: [k] Looke Chap.2.10. ] consecrate, was made the authour of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey him:

10 And is called of God an hie Priest after the order of Melchisedec.

11 [Note: [6] A digression, vntill he come to the beginning of the seuenth Chapter: wherein he partly holdeth the Hebrewes in the diligent consideration of those things which he hath sayde, and partly prepareth them to the vnderstanding of those things whereof he will speake. ] Of whome we haue many things to say, which are hard to be vttered, because ye are dull of hearing.

12 [Note: [7] An example of an Apostolike chiding. ] For when as concerning ye time ye ought to be teachers, yet haue ye neede againe that we teach you what are the first principles of the worde of God: and are become such as haue neede of milke, and not of strong meate.

13 For euery one that vseth milke, is inexpert in the [Note: [l] In the word which teacheth righteousnes. ] worde of righteousnes: for he is a babe.

14 But strong meate belongeth to them that are of age, which through long custome haue their [Note: [m] All their powers whereby they vnderstand and iudge. ] wits exercised, to discerne both good and euill.


1 Hee briefly toucheth the childish slouthfulnes of the Hebrewes, 4 and terrifieth them with seuere threatnings: 7 He stirreth them vp to endeuour in time to go forward: 9 He hopeth well of them: 13 He alleageth Abrahams example: 17 and compareth faith that taketh holde on the worde, 19 vnto an Ancre.

1 Therefore, leauing the doctrine of the [Note: [a] The first principles of Christian religion, which we cal the Catechisme. ] beginning of Christ, let vs be led forward vnto perfection, [Note: [1] Certaine principles of a Catechisme, which comprehend ye summe of the doctrine of the Gospel, were giuen in fewe wordes, & briefly to the rude and ignorant, to wit, the profession of repentance & faith in God: the articles of which doctrine, were demaunded of them which were not as yet receiued members of the Church, at the dayes appointed for Baptisme: and of the children of the faithful which were baptized in their infancie, when hands were laid vpon them. And of those articles, two are by name recited: the resurrection of the flesh, & the eternal iudgement. ] not laying againe ye foundation of repetance fro dead workes, & of faith toward God,

2 Of the doctrine of baptismes, and laying on of hands, & of the resurrection from the dead, and of eternall iudgement.

3 And this will we doe if God permit.

4 [Note: [2] He addeth a vehemencie to his exhortation, and a most sharpe threatning of the certaine destruction yt shal come to them which fal from God & his religion. ] [Note: Chap.10.26. mat.12.45. ] For it is [Note: [b] He speaketh of a general backsliding, and such as doe altogether fall away from the faith, and not of sinnes which are committed through the frailtie of man against the first and the second table. ] impossible that they which were once lightened, & haue [Note: [c] We must marke the force of this worde, for it is one thing to beleeue as Lydia did, whose heart God opened, Actes 16,13. and another thing to haue some taste. ] tasted of the heauenly

[Sinne against the holie Ghost.]

gift, and were made partakers of the holy Ghost,

5 And haue tasted of the good word of God, and of the powers of the world to come,

6 If they fal away, should be renued againe by repentance: seeing they [Note: [d] As men that hate Christ, and as though they crucified him againe, make him a mocking stocke to all the worlde, and that to their owne destruction, as Iulian the Apostate or backslider did. ] crucifie againe to themselues the Sonne of God, & make a mocke of him.

7 [Note: [3] He setteth forth the former threatning with a similitude. ] For the earth which drinketh in the raine that commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth foorth herbes meete for them by whome it is dressed, receiueth blessing of God.

8 But that which beareth thornes and briars, is reproued, and is neere vnto cursing, whose end is to be burned.

9 [Note: [4] He mitigateth and asswageth all that sharpnes, hoping better of them to whom he writeth. ] But beloued, we haue perswaded our selues better things of you, and such as accompany saluation, though we thus speake.

10 [Note: [5] Hee prayseth them for their charitie, thereby encouraging them to go forward, and to holde out to the ende. ] For God is not vnrighteous, that hee should forget your worke, and labour of loue, which ye shewed toward his Name, in that ye haue ministred vnto the Saints, and yet minister.

11 And we desire that euery one of you shew the same diligence, to the full assurance of hope vnto the ende,

12 [Note: [6] Hee sheweth what vertues chiefly they haue neede of to goe forward constantly, and also to profit: to wit, of charitie, and patience: & lest any ma should obiect and say, that these things are impossible to be done, he willeth them to set before themselues the examples of their auncesters, and to folowe them. ] That ye be not slouthfull, but followers of them, which through faith and patience, inherite the promises.

13 [Note: [7] An other prick, to pricke them forward: Because the hope of the inheritance is certaine, if we continue to the ende, for God hath not onely promised it, but also promised it with an oth. ] For when God made the promise to Abraham, because he had no greater to sweare by, he sware by himselfe,

14 Saying, [Note: Gene.12.2. and 17.4 and 22.17. ] Surely I wil [Note: [e] I will heape of benefites most plentifully vpon thee. ] aboundantly blesse thee and multiplie thee marueilously.

15 And so after that he had taried patiently, he enioyed the promes.

16 For men verely sweare by him that is greater then themselues, and an othe for confirmation is among them an ende of all strife.

17 So God, willing more [Note: [f] More then was needefull, were it not for the wickednes of men which beleeue not God, no though he sweare. ] aboundantly to shew vnto the heires of promes the stablenes of his counsell, bound himselfe by an othe,

18 That by two immutable things, wherein it is vnpossible that God should lye, we might haue strong consolation, which haue our refuge to lay holde vpon that hope that is set before vs,

19 [Note: [8] Hee likeneth hope to an ancre: because that euen as an ancre being cast into the bottome of the sea, stayeth the whole ship, so doeth hope also enter euen into the very secret places of heauen. And he maketh mention of the Sanctuarie, alluding to the olde tabernacle, and by this meanes returneth to the comparisons of the Priesthode of Christ with the Leuiticall. ] Which hope we haue, as an ancre of the soule, both sure and stedfast, and it entreth into that which is within the vaile,

20 [Note: [9] Hee repeateth Dauids wordes, wherein all those comparisons whereof he hath before made mention, are signified, as he declareth in all the next chapter. ] Whither the forerunner is for vs entred in, euen Iesus that is made an hie Priest for euer after the order of Melchi-sedec.


1 He hath hitherto stirred the vp, to marke diligetly what things are to be cosidered in Melchi-sedec, 15 wherein he is like vnto Christ. 20 Wherfore the Law should giue place to the Gospel.

1 For this [Note: [1] Declaring those words, According to the order of Melchi-sedec, whereupon that coparison standeth of the Priesthode of Christ wt the Leuitical: first, Melchi-sedec himself is cosidered as the figure of Christ, and these are ye heads of that comparison. Melchi-sedec was a King & a Priest: & such an one in deed is Christ alone. He was a King of peace and righteousnes, such an one in deed is Christ alone. ] Melchi-sedec [Note: Gen.14.18. ] was King of Salem, the Priest of the most high God, who met Abraham, as he returned from the slaughter of the Kings, and [Note: [a] With a solemne and Priestly blessing. ] blessed him:

2 To whom also Abraham gaue the tithe of all things: who first is by interpretation King of righteousnes: after that, he is also King of Salem, that is, King of peace,

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[Melchi-sedec. Christes euerlasting Priesthode.]

3 [Note: [2] An other figure: Melchi-sedec is set before vs to bee considered as one without beginning and without ending, for neither his father, nor his mother, nor his ancesters, nor his death are written of: and such an one in deede is the Sonne of God, to wit, an euerlasting Priest: as hee is God, without mother wonderfully begotten: as he is man, without father wonderfully conceiued. ] Without father, without mother, without kinred, and hath neither beginning of his dayes, neither ende of life: but is likened vnto the Sonne of God, and continueth a Priest for euer.

4 [Note: [3] An other figure: Melchi-sedec in consideration of his priesthoode was aboue Abraham, for he tooke tenthes of him, and blessed him as a Priest: Such an one in deede is Christ, vpo whom dependeth euen Abrahams sanctification and all the beleeuers, & whom all men ought to worship and reuerence as the authour of all. ] Nowe consider how great this man was, vnto whome euen the Patriarke Abraham gaue the tithe of the spoyles.

5 For verely they which are the childre of Leui, which receiue the office of the Priesthode, haue a [Note: Nomb.18.21. ] commaundement to take, according to the Law, tithes of the people (that is, of their bethren) though they [Note: [b] Were begotten of Abraham. ] came out of ye loynes of Abraham.

6 But he whose kindred is not couted among them, receiued tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises.

7 And [Note: [c] He speaketh of the publike blessing which the Priestes vsed. ] without all contradiction the lesse is blessed of the greater.

8 And here men that die, receiue tithes: but there he receiueth them, of whome it is witnessed, that he liueth.

9 [Note: [4] A double amplification: The first, that Melchi-sedec tooke the tenthes, as one immortall (to wit, in respect that he is the figure of Christ, for his death is in no place made mention of, and Dauid setteth him foorth as an euerlasting Priest) but the Leuiticall Priestes, as mortall men, for they succeede one another: the second, that Leui himselfe was tithed in Abraham by Melchi-sedec. Therefore the priesthode of Melchi-sedec (that is, Christes, who is pronounced to be an euerlasting Priest according to his order) is more excellent then the Leuiticall. ] And to say as the thing is, Leui also which receiueth tithes, payed tithes in Abraham.

10 For hee was yet in the loynes of his father Abraham, when Melchi-sedec met him.

11 [Note: [5] The thirde treatise of this Epistle, wherein after he hath prooued Christ to be a King, a Prophet, and a Priest, he now handleth distinctly the condition and excellencie of all these offices, shewing that all these were but shadowes in all other, but in Christ they are true and perfect. And he beginneth with the Priesthode, wherewith also the former treatise ended, that by this meanes all the parts and members of the disputation, may better hang together. And first of all he proueth that the Leuitical priesthode was imperfect, because another Priest is promised along time after, according to another order, that is to say, of another maner of rule and fashion. ] If therefore [Note: [d] If the priesthode of Leui could haue made any man perfite. ] perfection had bene by the Priesthoode of the Leuites (for vnder it the Lawe was established to the people) what needed it furthermore, that another Priest should rise after the order of Melchi-sedec, and not to be called after the order of Aaron?

12 [Note: [6] He sheweth how that by the institution of the new Priesthode, not only the imperfection of the Priesthode of Leui was declared, but also that it was changed for this: for these two cannot stand together, because that first appointment of the tribe of Leui, did shut forth the tribe of Iuda, and made it also inferiour to Leui: and this later doeth place the Priesthode in the tribe of Iuda. ] For if the Priesthood be changed, then of necessitie must there be a change of the [Note: [e] Of the institution of Aaron. ] Lawe.

13 For hee of whome these things are spoken, perteineth vnto another tribe, whereof no man [Note: [f] Had any thing to do about the altar. ] serued at the altar.

14 For it is euident, that our Lord sprung out of Iuda, concerning the which tribe Moses spake nothing, touching the Priesthood.

15 [Note: [7] Lest any ma might obiect, that the Priesthode in deede was traslated from Leui to Iuda, but yet notwithstanding the same remaineth still, he both weigheth and expoundeth those words of Dauid, for euer, according to the order of Melchi-sedec, whereby also a diuers institution of Priesthode is well perceiued. ] And it is yet a more euident thing, because that after the similitude of Melchi-sedec, there is risen vp another Priest,

16 [Note: [8] He proueth the diuersitie and excellencie of the institution of Melchi-sedecs Priesthode, by this, that the Priesthode of the Law did stande vpon an outwarde and bodily anoynting: but the sacrifice of Melchi-sedec is set out to be euerlasting and mere spirituall. ] Which is not made Priest after the [Note: [g] Not after the ordination, which commaundeth fraile and transitorie things, as was done in Aarons consecration, and all that whole Priesthoode. ] Law of the carnal commandement, but after the power of the endlesse life.

17 For hee testifieth thus, [Note: Psalme 110.4. chap.5.6. ] Thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-sedec.

[Christes euerlasting Priesthode.]

18 [Note: [9] Againe, that no man might obiect that the last Priesthode was added to make a perfite one, by the coupling of them both together, he proueth that the first was abrogated by the later, as vnprofitable, and that by the nature of them both. For howe could those corporall and transitorie things sanctifie vs, either of themselues, or being ioyned with an other? ] For the [Note: [h] The ceremoniall lawe. ] commaundement that went afore, is disanulled, because of the weakenes thereof, and vnprofitablenes.

19 For the Law made nothing perfite, but the bringing in of a better hope made perfite, whereby we drawe neere vnto God.

20 [Note: [10] An other argument, whereby he prooueth that the Priesthode of Christ is better then the Priesthode of Leui, because his was established with an othe, but theirs was not so. ] And for as much as it is not without an othe (for these are made Priestes without an othe:

21 But this is made with an othe by him that said vnto him, [Note: Psal.110.4. ] The Lord hath sworne, and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for euer, after the order of Melchi-sedec)

22 By so much is Iesus made a suretie of a better Testament.

23 [Note: [11] Another argument tending to the same purpose. The Leuiticall Priestes (as mortall men) coulde not be euerlasting, but Christ, as he is euerlasting, so hath hee also an euerlasting Priesthode, making most effectuall intercession for them which by him come vnto God. ] And among them many were made Priests, because they were not suffered to endure, by the reason of death.

24 But this man, because hee endureth euer, hath a Priesthood, which [Note: [i] Which cannot paße away. ] cannot passe from one to another.

25 Wherefore, hee is [Note: [k] Hee is fit and meete. ] able also perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him, seeing he euer liueth, to make intercession for them.

26 [Note: [12] An other argument: There are required in an hie Priest innocencie and perfite purenesse, which may separate him from sinners for whom he offereth. But the Leuiticall hie Priestes shall not be founde to be such, for they offer first for their owne sinnes: but Christ only is such a one, and therefore the true and onely hie Priest. ] For such an hie Priest it became vs to haue, which is holy, harmelesse, vndefiled, separate from sinners, and made hier then the heauens:

27 Which needeth not daily as those hie Priests to offer vp sacrifice, [Note: Leuit.16.11. ] first for his owne sinnes, and then for the peoples: [Note: [13] An other argument which notwithstanding he handleth afterwarde: The Leuiticall Priestes offered sacrifice after sacrifice, first for themselues, and then for the people. But Christ offered not for him selfe, but for other, not sacrifices, but him selfe, not oftentimes, but once. And this ought not to seeme strange, saith he, forsomuch as they are weake, but this man is consecrated an euerlasting Priest, and that by an othe. ] for [Note: [l] That sacrifice which hee offered. ] that did he [Note: [m] It was so done, that it needeth not to bee repeated or offered againe any more. ] once, when he offered vp himselfe.

28 For the Lawe maketh men hie Priestes, which haue infirmitie: but the [Note: [n] The commaundement of God which was bound with an othe. ] word of the othe [Note: [14] An other argument taken of the time: former things are taken away by the later. ] that [Note: [o] Exhibited. ] was since the Lawe, maketh the Sonne, who is consecrated for euermore.


1 To proue more certainely that the ceremonies of the Law are abrogated, 5 hee sheweth that they were appointed to serue the heauenly paterne. 8 He bringeth in the place of Ieremie, 15 to proue the amendement of the olde couenant.

1 Nowe [Note: [1] He briefly repeateth that, whereunto al these things are to be referred, to wit, that wee haue a farre other hie Priest then those Leuiticall hie Priestes are, euen such an one as sitteth at the right hand of the most hie God in heauen. ] of the things which we haue spoken, this is the summe, that wee haue such an hie Priest, that sitteth at the right hand of the throne of the Maiestie in heauens,

2 [Note: [2] They of Leui were hie Priestes in an earthly sanctuarie, but Christ is in the heauenly. ] And is a minister of the [Note: [a] Of heauen. ] Sanctuarie, [Note: [3] They of Leui exercised their priesthode in a fraile tabernacle, but Christ beareth about with him a farre other tabernacle, to wit, his body which God himselfe made to be euerlasting, as it shall afterward be declared, chap.9.11. ] and of that [Note: [b] Of his body. ] true Tabernacle which the Lorde pight, and not man.

3 [Note: [4] He bringeth a reason why it must needes be that Christ should haue a body (which he calleth a tabernacle which the Lorde pight & not ma) to wit, that he might haue what to offer: for otherwise he could not be an hie Priest. And the self same body is both the tabernacle & the sacrifice. ] For euery high Priest is ordeined to offer both giftes and sacrifices: wherefore it was of necessitie, that this man shoulde haue somewhat also to offer.

[A newe Testament.]

4 [Note: [5] He giueth a reason why he said that our hie Priest is in the heauenly sanctuarie, and not in the earthly: because, saith he, if he were now on the earth, he coulde not minister in the earthly sanctuarie, seeing there are yet Leuiticall Priestes which are appointed for him, that is to say, to be paternes of that perfite example. And to what purpose shoulde the paternes serue when the true and originall example is present? ] For he were not a Priest, if he were on the earth, seeing there are Priestes that according to the Lawe offer giftes,

5 Who serue vnto the paterne and shadowe of heauenly things, as Moses was warned by God, whe he was about to finish the Tabernacle. [Note: Exod.25.40. actes 7.44. ] See, saide hee, that thou make all thinges according to the paterne, shewed to thee in the mount.

6 [Note: [6] He entreth into the comparison of the olde and transitorie Testament or couenant being but for a time, whereof the Leuitical Priestes were mediatours, with the new, the euerlasting Mediatour whereof is Christ, to shewe that this is not onely better then that in all respects, but also that that was abrogated by this. ] But nowe our hie Priest hath obteined a more excellent office, in as much as he is the Mediatour of a better Testament, which is established vpon better promises.

7 [Note: [7] He proueth by the testimonie of Ieremie, that there is a second Testament or couenant, and therefore that the first was not perfite. ] For if that first Testament had bene vnblameable, no place should haue bene sought for the second.

8 For in rebuking them he saith, [Note: Iere.31.31,32,33.34. rom.11.27.chap.10.16. ] Beholde, the dayes will come, saith the Lorde, when I shall make with the [Note: [c] He calleth it an house, as it were one familie of the whole kingdome: for whereas the kingdome of Dauid was deuided into two factions, the Prophet giueth vs to vnderstande that through the new Testament they shalbe ioyned together againe in one. ] house of Israel, & with the house of Iuda a newe Testament:

9 Not like the Testament that I made with their fathers, in the day that I tooke them by the hand, to leade them out of the land of Egypt: for they continued not in my Testament, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

10 For this is the Testament that I will make with the house of Israel, After those dayes, saith the Lord, I will put my Lawes in their minde, and in their heart I will write them, and I wil be their God, and they shalbe my people,

11 And they shall not teache euery man his neighbour and euery man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall knowe me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.

12 For I will bee mercifull to their vnrighteousnes, and I wil remember their sinnes and their iniquities no more.

13 [Note: [8] The conclusion: Therefore by the later and the new, the first and old is taken away, for it could not be called new if it differed not from the old. And againe that same is at length taken away, which is subiect to corruption, and therefore imperfit. ] In that he saith a new Testament, he hath abrogate the olde: nowe that which is disanulled and waxed olde, is ready to vanish away.


2 Comparing the forme of the Tabernacle, 10 and the ceremonies of the Lawe, 11 vnto the trueth set out in Christ, 15 he cocludeth that now there is no more neede of an other Priest, 24 because Christ himselfe hath fulfilled those dueties vnder the newe couenant.

1 Then [Note: [1] A diuision of the first Tabernacle which he calleth worldly, that is to say, transitorie and earthly, into two partes, to wit, into the holy places, and the Holiest of all. ] the first Testament had also ordinances of religion, and a [Note: [a] An earthly, and a flitting. ] worldly Sanctuarie.

2 For the first Tabernacle was made, wherein was the candlesticke, and the table, and the shewebread, which Tabernacle is called the Holy places.

3 And after [Note: [b] He calleth it the second vaile, not because there were two vailes, but because it was behinde the Sanctuarie or the first Tabernacle. ] the seconde vaile was the Tabernacle, which is called the [Note: [c] The holiest Sanctuarie. ] Holiest of all,

4 Which had the golden censer, and the Arke of the Testament ouerlayde rounde about with golde, wherein the golden pot, which had Manna, was, and [Note: Nom.17.10. ] Aarons rod that had budded, and the [Note: 1.King.8.9. 2.chro.5.10. ] tables of the Testament.

5 [Note: Exod. 25.22. ] And ouer the Arke were the glorious Cherubims, shadowing the [Note: [d] The Hebrewes call the couer of the Arke of the couenant, the mercie seate, whome both the Grecians and we followe. ] mercie seat: of which things we will not nowe speake particularly.

[The force of Christes death.]

6 [Note: [2] Now he commeth to the sacrifices which he deuideth into those dayly sacrifices, and that yeerely and solemne sacrifice, with the which the hie Priest onely but once euery yeere entring into the Holiest of all with blood, offered for himselfe and the people. ] Nowe when these things were thus ordeined, the Priestes went alwayes into the first Tabernacle, and accomplished the seruice.

7 But into the second went the [Note: Exod.30.10. leuit.16.2. ] hie Priest alone, once euery yere, not without blood which hee offered for himselfe, and for the [Note: [e] For the sinnes. Looke Chap.5.2. ] ignorances of the people.

8 [Note: [3] Of that yeerely rite and ceremonie he gathereth that the way was not by such sacrifices opened into heauen, which was shadowed by the Holiest of all: For why did the hie Priest alone enter in thither, shutting out all other, and that to offer sacrifices there both for himselfe and for others, and after, did shut the Holiest of all againe? ] Whereby the holy Ghost this signified, that the way into ye Holiest of all was not yet opened, while as yet the first tabernacle was standing,

9 [Note: [4] An obiection: If the way were not opened into heauen by those sacrifices (that is to say, if the worshippers were not purged by them) why then were those ceremonies vsed? To wit, that men might bee called backe to that spirituall example, that is to say, to Christ, who shoulde correct all those thinges at his comming. ] Which was a figure [Note: [f] For that time that that figure had to last. ] for that present time, wherein were offred gifts and sacrifices that could not make holy, concerning the conscience, him that did the seruice,

10 [Note: [5] An other reason why they coulde not make cleane the conscience of the worshipper, to wit, because they were outwarde and carnall or corporall thinges. ] Which only stood in meates and drinkes, and diuers washings, and carnal rites, [Note: [g] For they were as you woulde say a burden, from which Christ deliuered vs. ] which were inioyned, vntill the time of reformation.

11 [Note: [6] Nowe hee entreth into the declaration of the figures, and first of all comparing the Leuiticall hie Priest with Christ, (that is to say, the figure with the thing it selfe) hee attributeth to Christ the administration of good thinges to come, that is, euerlasting, which those carnall thinges had respect vnto. ] But Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, [Note: [7] An other comparison of the first corruptible Tabernacle with the latter (that is to say, with the humane nature of Christ) which is the true incorruptible Temple of God, whereinto the Sonne of God entred, as the Leuiticall hie Priestes into the other which was fraile and transitorie. ] by a [Note: [h] By a more excellent and better. ] greater and a more perfect Tabernacle, not made with handes, that is, not of this building,

12 [Note: [8] An other comparison of the blood of the sacrifices with Christ. The Leuiticall hie Priestes entring by those their holy places into their Sanctuarie, offered corruptible blood for one yeere onely: but Christ entring into that holy body of his, entred by it into heauen it selfe, offering his owne most pure blood for an euerlasting redemption: For one selfe same Christ answereth both to the hie Priest, and the Tabernacle, and the sacrifices, and the offerings themselues, as the trueth to the figures, so that Christ is both hie Priest, and Tabernacle, and Sacrifice, yea, all these both truely, and for euer. ] Neither by the blood of [Note: [i] For in this yeerely sacrifice of reconciliation, there were two kindes of sacrifices, the one a goate, the other a heyfer, or calfe. ] goates and calues: but by his owne blood entred he in once vnto the holy place, and obteined eternall redemption for vs.

13 [Note: Leuiticus 16.14. nombers 19 4. ] [Note: [9] If the outward sprinkling of blood, and ashes of beastes, was a true and effectuall signe of purifying and clensing, howe much more shall the thing it selfe and the trueth being present, which in times past was shadowed by those externall Sacraments, that is to say, his blood, which is in such sort mans blood, that it is also the blood of the Sonne of God, and therefore hath an euerlasting vertue of purifying and cleansing, doe it? ] For if the blood of bulles and of goates, and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling them that are vncleane, sanctifieth as touching the [Note: [k] Hee considereth the signes apart, being separate from the thing it selfe. ] purifying of the flesh,

14 How much more shal the [Note: 1 Peter 1.19. 1.iohn 1.7. reuelat 1.5. ] blood of Christ which through the eternall Spirit offered himselfe without fault to God, [Note: Luke 1.74. ] purge your conscience from [Note: [l] From sinnes which proceede from death, and bring foorth nothing but death. ] dead workes, to serue the liuing God?

15 [Note: [10] The conclusion of the former argument: therefore seeing the blood of beastes did not purge sinnes, the newe Testament which was beforetime promised, whereunto those outwarde thinges had respect, is now in deede established, by the vertue whereof all transgressions might bee taken away, and heauen in deede opened vnto vs: whereof it followeth, that Christ shedde his blood also for the Fathers, for hee was shadowed by those olde ceremonies, otherwise, vnlesse they had serued to represent him, they had bene nothing at all profitable. Therefore this Testament is called the latter, not as concerning the vertue of it, (that is to say, remission of sinnes) but in respect of that time, wherein the thing it selfe was finished, that is to say, wherein Christ was in deede exhibited to the worlde, and fulfilled all thinges which were necessarie to our saluation. ] And for this cause is he the Mediatour of

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[Christ once offered.]

the newe Testament, that through [Note: Rom.5.6. ] death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament, they which were called, might receiue the promise of eternall inheritance.
16 [Note: [11] A reason why the Testament must be established by the death of the Mediatour, because this Testament hath the condition of a Testament or gift, which is made effectuall by death, and therefore that it might be effectuall, it must needes be that he that made the Testament, should die. ] For where a Testament is, there must be the death of him that made the Testament.

17 [Note: Gala.3.15. ] For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead: for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it, is aliue.

18 [Note: [12] There must be a proportion betweene those things which purifie, & those which are purified: Vnder the Lawe all those figures were earthly, the Tabernacle, the booke, the vessels, the sacrifices, although they were the signes of heauenly things. Therefore it was requisite that all those should be purified with some matter and ceremonie of the same nature, to wit, with the blood of beasts, with water, wooll, hyssope. But vnder Christ all things are heauenly, an heauenly tabernacle, an heauenly sacrifice, an heauenly people, an heauenly doctrine, and heauen it selfe is set open before vs for an euerlasting habitation. Therefore all these things are sanctified in like sort, to wit, with that euerlasting offering of the quickening blood of Christ. ] Wherefore neither was the first ordeined without blood.

19 For when Moses had spoken euery precept to the people, [Note: [m] As the Lorde had commaunded. ] according to the Law, he tooke the blood of calues and of goates, with water and purple wooll and hyssope, and [Note: [n] Hee vsed to sprinkle. ] sprinckled both the booke, and all the people,

20 [Note: Exod.24.8. ] Saying, This is the blood of the Testament, which God hath appointed vnto you.

21 Moreouer, he sprinkled likewise the Tabernacle with blood also, and all the ministring vessels.

22 And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood, and without sheading of blood is no remission.

23 It was then necessary, that the [Note: [o] The similitudes of heauenly things were earthly, and therefore they were to be set forth with earhtly things, as with the blood of beasts, and wooll, and hyßope. But vnder Christ all things are heauenly, and therefore they could not but be sanctified, with the offring of his liuely blood. ] similitudes of heauenly things should be purified with such things: but the heauenly things them selues are purified with better sacrifices then are these.

24 [Note: [13] An other double comparison: The Leuiticall hie Priest entred into the Sanctuarie, which was made in deede by the commandement of God, but yet with mens hands, that it might be a paterne of another more excellent, to wit, of the heauenly palace. But Christ entred euen into heauen it selfe. Againe, he appeared before the Arke, but Christ before God the Father himselfe. ] For Christ is not entred into ye holy places that are made with hands, which are similitudes of ye true Sanctuarie: but is entred into very heauen, to appeare now in ye sight of God for vs,

25 [Note: [14] An other double comparison: The Leuiticall hie Priest offered other blood, but Christ offered his owne: hee euery yeere once iterated his offring: Christ offring himselfe but once, abolished sinne altogether, both of the former ages and of the ages to come. ] Not that he should offer himselfe often, as the hie Priest entred into the Holy place euery yeere with other blood,

26 [Note: [15] An argument to proue that Christs offring ought not to be repeated: Seeing that sinnes were to be purged from the beginning of the world, and it is proued that sinnes cannot be purged, but by the onely blood of Christ: he must needes haue died oftentimes, since the beginning of the world. But a man can die but once: therefore Christes oblation which was once done in the latter dayes, neither could nor can be repeated. Seeing then it is so, surely the vertue of it extendeth both to sinnes that were before, and to sinnes that are after his comming. ] (For then must he haue often suffred since the foundation of the world) but now in the [Note: [p] In the latter dayes. ] end of the world hath he bene made manifest, once to put away [Note: [q] That whole roote of sinne. ] sinne by the sacrifice of him selfe.

27 And as it is appointed vnto men that they shall [Note: [r] He speaketh of the naturall state and condition of man: For as for Lazarus and certaine other that died twise, that was no vsual thing but extraordinarie: and as for them that shalbe changed, their changing is a kinde of death, 1.Cor. 15. 51. ] once die, and after that commeth the iudgement:

28 So [Note: Rom.5.8. ] Christ was once offered to take away the sinnes of [Note: [s] Thus the generall promise is restrained to the elect only: and we haue to seeke the testimonie of our election, not in the secret counsell of God, but in the effects that our faith worketh, and so we must climbe vp from the lowest step to the highest, there to finde such comfort as is most certaine, and shal neuer be moued. ] many, [Note: [16] Shortly by the way he setteth out Christ as Iudge, partly to terrifie them, which do not rest themselues in the onely oblation of Christ once made, and partly to keepe the faithfull in their duetie, that they go not backe. ] and vnto them that looke

[Sacrifices of the Lawe.]

for him, shall he appeare the second time without sinne vnto saluation.


1 He proueth that the sacrifices of the Lawe were vnperfit, 2 because they were yeerely renued: 5 But that the sacrifice of Christ is one, and perpetuall, 6 he proueth by Dauids testimonie: 19 Then he addeth an exhortation, 29 and seuerely threatneth them that reiect the grace of Christ. 36 In the end he prayseth patience, 38 that commeth of faith.

1 For [Note: [1] He preuenteth a priuie obiection, Why then were those sacrifices offred? The Apostle answereth, first touching that yeerely sacrifice which was the solemnest of all, wherein (saith he) there was made euery yeere a remembrance againe of all former sinnes. Therefore yt sacrifice had no power to sanctifie: for to what purpose should those sinnes which are purged be repeated againe, and wherefore shoulde newe sinnes come to be repeated euery yere, if those sacrifices did abolish sinne? ] the Lawe hauing the shadowe of good things to [Note: [a] Of things which are euerlasting, which were promised to the Fathers, and exhibited in Christ. ] come, and not the very image of the things, can neuer with those sacrifices, which they offer yeere by yeere continually, sanctifie the commers thereunto.

2 For would they not then haue ceased to haue bene offered, because that the offerers once purged, should haue had no more conscience of sinnes?

3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance againe of sinnes euery yeere.

4 For it is vnpossible that the blood of bulles and goates should take away sinnes.

5 [Note: [2] A conclusion folowing of those things that went before, and comprehending also ye other sacrifices. Seeing that the sacrifices of the Lawe could not doe it, therefore Christ speaking of him selfe as of our hie Priest manifested in the flesh, witnesseth euidently that God resteth not in the sacrifices, but in the obedience of his Sonne our hie Priest, in which obedience he offred vp himself once to his Father for vs. ] Wherefore when he [Note: [b] The Sonne of God is said to come into the world, when he was made man. ] commeth into the world, he saith, [Note: Psal. 40.7. ] Sacrifice and offring thou wouldest not: but a [Note: [c] It is worde for worde in the Hebrewe text, Thou hast pearced mine eares through, that is, thou hast made me obedient, and willing to heare. ] body hast thou ordeined me.

6 In burnt offerings, and sinne offrings thou hast had no pleasure.

7 Then I sayd, Lo, I come (In the beginning of the booke it is written of me) that I should doe thy will, O God.

8 Aboue, when he sayd, Sacrifice and offring, and burnt offrings, and sinne offrings thou wouldest not haue, neither hadst pleasure therein (which are offered by the Lawe)

9 Then sayd he, Lo, I come to doe thy wil, O God, he taketh away the [Note: [d] That is, the sacrifices, to establish the second, that is, the will of God. ] first, that he may stablish the second.

10 By the which wil we are sanctified, euen by the offring of the body of Iesus Christ once made.

11 [Note: [3] A conclusion, wt the other part of the comparison: The Leuiticall hie Priest repeateth the same sacrifices dayly in his sanctuarie: whereupon it followeth that neither those sacrifices, neither those offrings, neither those hie Priests could take away sinnes. But Christ hauing offred one sacrifice once for the sinnes of all men, & hauing sanctified his own for euer, sitteth at the right hand of the Father, hauing al power in his hands. ] And euery Priest [Note: [e] At the altar. ] standeth dayly ministring, and oft times offreth one maner of offring, which can neuer take away sinnes:

12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sinnes, [Note: Chap.1.13. psal.110.1 1.cor.15.25. ] sitteth for euer at the right hand of God,

13 [Note: [4] He preuenteth a priuie obiection, to wit, that yet notwithstanding we are subiect to sinne & death, whereunto the Apostle answereth, that the ful efficacie of Christs vertue hath not yet shewed it selfe, but shal at length appeare when he wil at once put to flight al his enemies, with whom as yet we striue. ] And from hencefoorth tarieth, [Note: Chap 1.13. ] till his enemies be made his footestoole.

14 For with one offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified.

15 [Note: [5] Although there doe yet remaine in vs reliques of sinne, yet the worke of our sanctification which is to be perfected, hangeth vpon the selfe same sacrifice which neuer shalbe repeated: and that the Apostle proueth by alleadging againe the testimonie of Ieremie, thus. Sinne is taken away by the new Testament, seeing the Lord saith yt it shal come to passe, that according to the forme of it, he will no more remember our sinnes: Therefore we need now no purging sacrifice to take away that which is already taken away, but we must rather take paines, that we may nowe through faith be partakers of that sacrifice. ] For the holy Ghost also beareth vs record: for after that he had sayd before,

16 [Note: Iere.31.33. rom.11.27.chap.8.8. ] This is the Testament that I will make [Page]

[The newe and liuing way.]

vnto them after those dayes, sayth the Lord, I wil put my Lawes in their heart, and in their mindes I will write them.

17 And their sinnes and iniquities will I remember [Note: [f] Why then, where is the fire of Purgatorie, and that Popish distinction of the fault, and the punishment? ] no more.

18 Nowe where remission of these things is, there is no more offering for [Note: [g] He sayd well, for sinne: for there remaineth another offring, to wit, of thankesgiuing. ] sinne.

19 [Note: [6] The summe of the former treatise: We are not shut out now of the holy place, as the Fathers were, but we haue an entrance into the true holy place (that is, into heauen) seeing that we are purged with the blood, not of beastes, but of Iesus. Neither as in times past, doeth the hie Priest shut vs out by setting the vaile against vs, but through the vaile, which is his flesh, he hath brought vs into heauen it selfe, being present with vs, so that we haue now truely an hie Priest, which is ouer the house of God. ] Seeing therefore, brethren, that by the blood of Iesus we may be bolde to enter into the Holy place,

20 By the newe and liuing way, which hee hath prepared for vs, through the vaile, that is, his [Note: [h] So Christs flesh sheweth vs the Godhead as it were vnder a vaile, for otherwise we were not able to abide the brightnes of it. ] flesh:

21 And seeing we haue an hie Priest, which is ouer the house of God,

22 [Note: [7] A most graue exhortation, wherin he sheweth how that sacrifice of Christ may be applied to vs: to wit, by faith, which also he describeth by the consequents, to wit, by sanctification of the Spirit, which causeth vs surely to hope in God, and to procure by all meanes possible one anothers saluation, through the loue that is in vs one towards another. ] Let vs drawe neere with a [Note: [i] With no double and counterfaite heart, but with such an heart as is truely and in deede giuen to God. ] true heart in assurance of faith, our [Note: [k] This is it which the Lorde saith, Be ye holy, for I am holy. ] hearts being pure from an euill conscience,

23 And washed in our bodies with [Note: [l] With the grace of the holy Ghost. ] pure water, let vs keepe the profession of our hope, without wauering, (for he is faithfull that promised)

24 And let vs consider one another, to prouoke vnto loue, and to good workes,

25 Not forsaking the felowship that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another, [Note: [8] Hauing mentioned the last comming of Christ, he stirreth vp the godly to the meditation of an holy life, and citeth the faithles fallers from God to the feareful iudgement seat of the Iudge, because they wickedly reiected him in whom only saluation consisteth. ] and that so much the more, because ye see that the day draweth neere.

26 [Note: Chap.6.4. ] For if we sinne [Note: [m] Without any cause or occasion, or shew of occasion. ] willingly after that we haue receiued & acknowledged that trueth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sinnes,

27 But a fearefull looking for of iudgement, and violent fire, which shall deuoure the [Note: [n] For it is another matter to sinne through the frailtie of mans nature, and another thing to proclaime warre as it were to God as to an enemie. ] aduersaries.

28 [Note: [9] If the breach of ye Law of Moses was punished by death, how much more worthy death is it to fal away from Christ? ] He that despiseth Moses Law, dieth without mercy [Note: Deu.19.15. mat.18. 16. iohn 8.17. 2.cor.13.1. ] vnder two, or three witnesses:

29 Of howe much sorer punishment suppose ye shall hee be worthy, which treadeth vnder foote the Sonne of God, and counteth the blood of the Testament as an vnholy thing, wherewith he was sanctified, and doeth despite the Spirit of grace?

30 [Note: [10] The reason of all these things is, because God is a reuenger of such as despise him: otherwise hee shoulde not rightly gouerne his Church. Now there is nothing more horrible then the wrath of the liuing God. ] For we know him that hath sayd, [Note: Deut.32.35. rom.12.19. ] Vengeance belongeth vnto mee: I will recompense, saith the Lord. And againe, The Lord shall [Note: [o] Rule or gouerne. ] iudge his people.

31 It is a fearefull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God.

32 [Note: [11] As he terrified the fallers away from God, so doeth he nowe comfort them that are constant and stande strongly, setting before them the successe of their former sightes, so stirring them vp to a sure hope of a full and ready victorie. ] Nowe call to remembrance the dayes that are passed, in the which, after ye had receiued light, ye endured a great fight in afflictions,

33 Partly while yee were made a [Note: [p] You were brought foorth to be shamed. ] gazing stocke both by reproches & afflictions, and partly while ye became [Note: [q] In taking their miseries, to be your miseries. ] companions of them which were so tossed to and fro.

34 For both ye sorowed with mee for my

[The force of fayth.]

bonds, and suffered with ioy the spoyling of your goods, knowing in your selues howe that ye haue in heauen a better, and an enduring [Note: [r] Goods & riches. ] substance.

35 Cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of reward.

36 For ye haue neede of patience, that after ye haue done the will of God, ye might receiue the promes.

37 For yet a very [Note: [s] Hee will come within this very litle while. ] litle while, and hee that shall come, will come, and will not tary.

38 [Note: Habak.2.4. rom. 1.17. gala.3.11. ] [Note: [12] He commendeth the excellencie of a sure fayth by the effect, because it is the only way to life, which sentence he setteth forth and amplifieth by setting the contrary against it. ] Nowe the iust shall liue by faith: but if any withdrawe himselfe, my soule shall haue no pleasure in him.

39 But we are not they which withdrawe our selues vnto perdition, but follow faith vnto the conseruation of the soule.


1 He declareth in the whole chapter, that the Fathers, which from the beginning of the world were approoued of God, attained saluation no other way then by faith, that the Iewes may knowe, that by the same onely, they are knit vnto the Fathers in an holy vnion.

1 Nowe [Note: [1] An excellent description of faith by the effects, because it representeth things which are but yet in hope, and setteth as it were before our eyes things that are inuisible. ] faith is the ground of things, which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seene.

2 [Note: [2] Hee sheweth that the Fathers ought to be accompted of, by this vertue. ] For by it our [Note: [a] That is, those Fathers of whome we came: and whose authoritie and example ought to moue vs very much. ] elders were wel reported of.

3 [Note: Gene.1.1. iohn 1.10. ] [Note: [3] He sheweth the proprietie of faith, by setting out vnto vs most pycked examples of such as from the beginning of the world excelled in the Church. ] Through faith we vnderstand that the world was ordeined by the worde of God, so that the things which we [Note: [b] So that the world which we see, was not made of any matter that appeared or was before, but of nothing. ] see, are not made of things which did appeare.

4 [Note: [4] Abel. ] By faith Abel [Note: Gene.4.4. ] offered vnto God a greater sacrifice then Cain, by [Note: Matth.23.35. ] the which he obtained witnes that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: by the which faith also he being dead, yet speaketh.

5 [Note: [5] Enoch. ] By faith was [Note: Gene.5.24. ] Enoch translated, that he should not [Note: [c] That he should not die. ] see death: neither was he found: for God had translated him: for before he was translated, he was reported of, yt he had pleased God.

6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please him: for he that commeth to God, must beleeue that God is, and that he is a [Note: [d] This reward is not referred to our merites, but to the free promise, as Paul teacheth in Abraham the father of all the faithfull, Rom.4.4. ] rewarder of them that seeke him.

7 [Note: [6] Noe. ] By faith [Note: Gene.6 13. ] Noe being warned of God of the things which were as yet not seene, mooued with reuerence, prepared the Arke to the sauing of his housholde, through the which Arke hee condemned the world, and was made heire of the righteousnes, which is by faith.

8 [Note: [7] Abraham and Sara. ] By faith [Note: Gen.12.4. ] Abraham, when he was called, obeyed God, to goe out into a place, which hee should afterward receiue for inheritance, and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

9 By faith he abode in the land of promes, as in a strange countrey, as one that dwelt in tents with Isaac and Iacob heires with him of the same promes.

10 For he looked for a citie hauing a [Note: [e] This foundation is set against their tabernacles. ] foundation, whose builder and maker is God.

11 Through faith [Note: Gen.17.19. and 21.2. ] Sara also receiued strength to conceiue seede, and was deliuered of a childe when she was past age, because she iudged him faithfull which had promised.

12 And therefore sprang there of one, euen of one which was [Note: [f] As vnlikely to beare children, as if shee had bene starke dead. ] dead, so many as the starres of the skie in multitude, and as the land of the sea shore which is innumerable.

13 All these died in [Note: [g] In faith, which they had while they liued, and folowed them euen to their graue. ] faith, and receiued not

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[Howe faith worketh.]

the [Note: [h] This is the figure Metonymi[illeg.], for the things promised. ] promises, but sawe them a farre off, and beleeued them, and [Note: [i] For the Patriarches were wont when they receiued the promises, to professe their religion, by building of altars, and calling on the Name of the Lord. ] receiued them thankefully, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14 For they yt say such things, declare plainely, that they seeke a countrey.

15 And if they had bene mindfull of that countrey, from whence they came out, they had leasure to haue returned.

16 But nowe they desire a better, that is an heauenly: wherefore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a citie.

17 By faith [Note: Gene.22.10. ] Abraham offered vp Isaac, when he was [Note: [k] Tried of the Lord. ] tryed, and he that had receiued the [Note: [l] Although the promises of life were made in that onely begotten sonne Isaac, yet he appointed him to die, and so against hope he beleeued in hope. ] promises, offered his onely begotten sonne.

18 (To whom it was said, [Note: Gene.21.12. rom.9.7. ] In Isaac shall thy seede be called.)

19 For he considered that God was able to raise him vp euen from the dead: from [Note: [m] From which death. ] whence he receiued him also after [Note: [n] For there was not the true and very death of Isaac, but as it were the death, by meanes whereof he seemed also as it were to haue risen againe. ] a sort.

20 [Note: [8] Isaac. ] By faith [Note: Gene.27.28,39. ] Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau, concerning things to come.

21 [Note: [9] Iacob. ] By faith [Note: Gen.48.15. ] Iacob when he was a dying, blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph, and [Note: Gen.47.31. ] leaning on the ende of his staffe, worshipped God.

22 [Note: [10] Ioseph. ] By faith [Note: Gen.50.25. ] Ioseph when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel, and gaue commandement of his bones.

23 [Note: [11] Moses. ] [Note: Exod.2.2. actes 7.22. ] By faith Moses when he was borne, was hid three moneths of his parents, because they sawe he was a proper childe, neither [Note: [o] They were not afraide to bring him vp. ] feared they the kings [Note: Exod.1.16. ] commandement.

24 By faith [Note: Exod.2.11. ] Moses when he was come to age, refused to be called the sonne of Pharaohs daughter,

25 And chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God, then to enioy the [Note: [p] Such pleasures as he could not enioy, but he must needes prouoke Gods wrath against him. ] pleasures of sinnes for a season,

26 Esteeming the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect vnto the recompence of the reward.

27 By faith he forsooke Egypt, and feared not the fiercenes of the king: for he endured, as he that sawe him which is inuisible.

28 Through faith he ordeined the [Note: Exod.12.22. ] Passeouer and the effusion of blood, least he that destroyed the first borne, should touche them.

29 [Note: [12] The red Sea. ] By faith they [Note: Exod.14.22. ] passed through the red sea as by drie land, which when the Egyptians had assayed to doe, they were swallowed vp.

30 [Note: [13] Iericho. ] By faith the [Note: Iosh.6.20. ] walles of Iericho fell downe after they were copassed about seue dayes.

31 [Note: [14] Rahab. ] By faith the [Note: [q] A notable example of Gods goodnesse. ] harlot [Note: Iosh.6.23. ] Rahab perished not with them which obeyed not, when [Note: Iosh.2.1. ] she had receiued the spies [Note: [r] Courteously and friendly, so that she did not onely not hurt them, but also kept them safe. ] peaceably.

32 [Note: [15] Gedeon, Barac, and other iudges and Prophets. ] And what shall I more say? for the time would be too short for me to tell of [Note: Iudg.6.11. ] Gedeon, of [Note: Iudg.4.6. ] Barac, and of [Note: Iudg.13.24. ] Sampson, and of [Note: Iudg.11.1. and 12.7. ] Iephte, also of Dauid, and Samuel, and of the Prophets:

33 Which through faith subdued kingdomes, wrought righteousnesse, obteined the [Note: [s] The fruite of the promises. ] promises, stopped the mouthes of lions,

34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sworde, of weake were made strong, waxed valiant in battell, turned to flight the armies of the aliants.

35 The [Note: [t] He seemeth to meane the storie of that woman of Sarepta, whose sonne Elias raised againe from death, and the Sunamite, whose sonne Eliseus restored to his mother. ] women receiued their dead raised to

[Christ is our example.]

life: other also were [Note: [u] He meaneth that persecution which Antiochus wrought. ] racked, and woulde not be deliuered, that they might receiue a better resurrection.

36 And others haue bene tryed by mockings and scourgings, yea, moreouer by bondes and prisonment.

37 They were stoned, they were hewen asunder, they were tempted, they were slaine with the sworde, they wandred vp and downe in [Note: [x] In vile & rough clothing, so were the Saints brought to extreme pouertie, and constrained to liue like beastes in wildernesses. ] sheepes skinnes, and in goates skinnes, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented:

38 Whom the world was not worthie of: they wandered in wildernesses and mountaines, and dennes, and caues of the earth.

39 [Note: [16] An amplification taken of the circumstance of the time: their faith is so much the more to be marueiled at, by howe much the promises of things to come were more darke, yet at length were in deede exhibited to vs, so that their faith and ours is as one, as is also their consecration and ours. ] And these all through faith obteined good report, and receiued [Note: [y] But sawe Christ a farre of. ] not the promes,

40 God prouiding a better thing for vs, that they [Note: [z] For their saluation did hang vpon Christ, who was exhibited in our dayes. ] without vs should not be made perfite.


1 He doeth not onely by the examples of the Fathers before recited, exhort them to patience and constancie, 3 but also by the example of Christ. 11 That the chastenings of God can not be rightly iudged by the outwarde sense of our flesh.

1 Wherefore, [Note: Rom.6.4. coloss.3.8. ephes.4.24. 1 peter 2.1. ] [Note: [1] An applying of the former examples, whereby we ought to be stirred vp to runne the whole race, casting away all stoppes and impediments. ] let vs also, seeing that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses, cast away euery thing yt presseth downe, and the sinne that [Note: [a] For sinne besiegeth vs on all sides, so that we cannot scape out. ] hangeth so fast on: let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs,

2 [Note: [2] He setteth before vs, as the marke of this race, Iesus himselfe one captaine, who willingly ouercame all the roughnesse of the same way. ] [Note: [b] As it were vpon the marke of our faith. ] Looking vnto Iesus the authour and finisher of our faith, who for the [Note: [c] Whereas he had all kinde of blessednesse in his hand and power, yet suffered willingly the ignominie of the Crosse. ] ioy that was set before him, endured the crosse, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God.

3 [Note: [3] An amplification, taken of the circumstance of the person and the things themselues, which he compareth betwixt them selues: for howe great is Iesus in comparison of vs, and howe farre more grieuous things did he suffer then we? ] Consider therefore him that endured such speaking against of sinners, lest ye should be wearied and faint in your mindes.

4 [Note: [4] He taketh an argument of the profite which commeth to vs by Gods chastisements, vnlesse we be in fault. First of all because sinne, or that rebellious wickednesse of our flesh, is by this meanes tamed. ] Ye haue not yet resisted vnto blood, striuing against sinne.

5 [Note: [5] Secondly, because they are testimonies of his fatherly good will towards vs, in so much that they shewe themselues to be bastards, which cannot abide to be chastened of God. ] And ye haue forgotten the consolation, which speaketh vnto you as vnto children, [Note: Prou. 3.11. ] My sonne, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither faint when thou art rebuked of him.

6 For whom the Lord loueth, he chasteneth: and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth:

7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not?

8 If therefore ye be without correction, whereof al are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sonnes.

9 [Note: [6] Thirdly, If all men yeelde this right to fathers, to whom next after God we owe this life, that they may rightfully correct their children, shall we not be much more subiect to that our Father, who is the Authour of the spirituall and euerlasting life? ] Moreouer we haue had the fathers of our bodies which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: should we not much rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirites, that we might liue?

10 [Note: [7] An amplification of the same argument: Those fathers haue corrected vs after their fansie, for some fraile and transitorie profite: but God chasteneth and instructeth vs for our singular profite, to make vs partakers of his holinesse: which thing although these our senses doe not presently perceiue, yet the ende of the mattes prooueth it. ] For they verely for a few dayes chastened [Page]

[Iesus the Mediatour.]

vs after their owne pleasure: but he chasteneth vs for our profite, that we might be partakers of his holinesse.

11 Now no chastising for the present seemeth to be ioyous, but, grieuous: but afterwarde, it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse, vnto them which are thereby exercised.

12 [Note: [8] The conclusion: we must goe forward couragiously and keepe alwaies a right course and (as farre foorth as we may) without any staggering or stumbling. ] Wherfore lift vp your hands which [Note: [d] The description of a man that is out of heart and cleane discouraged. ] hang downe, and your weake knees,

13 And make [Note: [e] Keepe a right course, and so, that you shewe example of good life for others to followe. ] straight steppes vnto your feete, lest that which is halting, be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.

14 [Note: Rom.12.18. ] [Note: [9] We must liue in peace and holinesse with all men. ] Followe peace with all men, and holinesse, without the which no man shall see ye Lord.

15 [Note: [10] We must studie to edifie one another, both in doctrine and example of life. ] Take heede, that no man fall away from the grace of God: let no [Note: [f] That no heresie, or backesliding be an offence. ] roote of bitternes spring vp and trouble you, lest thereby many be defiled.

16 [Note: [11] We must eschewe fornication, and a prophane minde, that is, such a minde as giueth not to God his due honour, which wickednes howe seuerely God will at length punish, the horrible example of Esau teacheth vs. ] Let there be no fornicator, or prophane person as [Note: Gen.25.33. ] Esau, which for one portion of meate solde his birthright.

17 [Note: Gen.27.38. ] For ye knowe howe that afterwarde also when he woulde haue inherited the blessing, he was reiected: for he founde no [Note: [g] There was no place left for his repentance: and it appeareth by the effectes, what his repentance was, for when he was gone out of his fathers sight, he threatned his brother to kill him. ] place to repentance, though he sought that blessing with teares.

18 [Note: [12] Nowe he applieth the same exhortation, to the Propheticall and kingly office of Christ compared with Moses, after this sort. If the maiestie of the Law was so great, how great thinke you that the glorie of Christ and the Gospel is? And this comparison he declareth also particularly. ] For ye are not come vnto the [Note: Exod.19.16. ] mount that might be [Note: [h] Which might be touched with handes, which was of a große and earthly matter. ] touched, nor vnto burning fire, nor to blacknes and darkenes, and tempest,

19 Neither vnto the sounde of a trumpet, and the voyce of wordes, which they that heard it, excused themselues, [Note: Exod.20.19. ] that the word should not be spoken to them any more,

20 (For they were not able to abide yt which was commaunded, [Note: Exod 19.12. ] yea, though a beast touche the mountaine, it shalbe stoned, or thrust through with a dart:

21 And so terrible was the [Note: [i] The shape and forme which he sawe, which was no counterfet and forged shape, but a true one. ] sight which appeared, that Moses said, I feare and quake.)

22 But ye are come vnto the mount Sion, and to the citie of the liuing God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to ye company of innumerable Angels,

23 And to the assemblie and congregation of the first borne, which are written in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spirits of iust and [Note: [k] So he calleth them that are taken vp into heauen, although one part of them doeth sleepe in the earth. ] perfite men,

24 And to Iesus the Mediatour of the new Testament, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel.

25 [Note: [13] The applying of the former comparison: If it were not lawfull to contemne his worde which spake on the earth, how much lesse his voice which is from heauen? ] See that ye despise not him yt speaketh: for if they escaped not which refused him, that spake on earth: much more shall we not escape, if we turne away from him, that speaketh fro heauen.

26 [Note: [14] He compareth the stedfast maiestie of the Gospel, wherewith the whole worlde was shaken, and euen the very frame of heauen was as it were astonished, with the small and vanishing sound of the gouernance by the Lawe. ] Whose voyce then shooke the earth and nowe hath declared, saying, [Note: Agge. 2.7. ] [Note: [l] It appeareth euidently in this that the Prophet speaketh of the calling of the Gentiles, that these wordes must be referred to the kingdome of Christ. ] Yet once more will I shake, not the earth onely, but also heauen.

27 And this worde, Yet once more, signifieth the remouing of those things which are shaken, as of things which are made with hands, that the things which are not shaken, may remaine.

28 [Note: [15] A generall exhortation to liue reuerently and religiously vnder the most happie subiection of so mightie a King, who as he blesseth his most mightilie, so doth he most seuerely reuenge ye rebellious. And this is ye summe of a Christian life, respecting ye first table. ] Wherefore seeing we receiue a kingdome,

[Sundry exhortations.]

which cannot be shaken, let vs haue grace whereby we may so serue God, that we may please him with [Note: [m] By reuerence, is meant that honest shamefastnes which keepeth them in their dueties. ] reuerence and [Note: [n] Religious and godly feare. ] feare.

29 For [Note: Deut.4.24. ] euen our God is a consuming fire.


1 He giueth good lessons not onely for maners; 7 but also for doctrine.

1 Let [Note: Rom. 12.10. ] [Note: [1] He commeth to the seconde table, the summe whereof is charitie, especially toward strangers and such as are afflicted. ] brotherly loue continue.

2 [Note: 1. Peter 4.9. ] Be not forgetfull to intertaine strangers: for thereby some haue [Note: Gen. 18.3. and 19.3. ] receiued Angels into their houses vnwares.

3 Remember them that are in bondes, as though ye were bounde with them: and them that are in affliction, as [Note: [a] Be so much touched, as if their miserie were yours. ] if ye were also afflicted in the body.

4 [Note: [2] He commendeth chaste matrimonie in all sortes of men, and threateneth vtter destruction from God against whoremongers and adulterers. ] Mariage is honorable among all, and the bed vndefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge.

5 [Note: [3] Couetousnesse is condemned, against which is set a contented mind with that which the Lord hath giuen. ] Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse, and be content with those things that ye haue, for [Note: [b] Euen the Lord himselfe. ] he hath said,

6 [Note: Iosh. 1.5. ] I will not faile thee, neither forsake thee:

7 So that we may boldly say, [Note: Psal.118.6. ] The Lord is mine helper, neither will I feare what [Note: [c] He setteth man against God. ] man can doe vnto me.

8 [Note: [4] We haue to set before vs the examples of valiant Captaines, whom we ought diligently to followe. ] Remember them which haue the ouersight of you, which haue declared vnto you the word of God: whose faith followe, considering what hath bene the ende of their conuersation. [Note: [5] He repeateth the summe of the doctrine, to wit, the onely ground of all precepts of maners, and that is this: That wee ought to quiet and content our selues in Christ onely: for there was yet neuer any man saued without ye knowledge of him, neither is at this day saued, neither shalbe saued hereafter. ] Iesus Christ yesterday, and to day, the same also is for euer.

9 Be not caried about with diuers & strange doctrines: [Note: [6] He toucheth them which mixed an externall worship, and especially the difference of Meates, with the Gospel, which doctrine he plainely condemneth as cleane repugnant to the benefite of Christ. ] for it is a good thing that the heart be stablished with grace, and not with [Note: [d] By this one kind which concerneth the difference of cleane and vncleane meates, we haue to vnderstand all the ceremoniall worship. ] meates, which haue not profited them that haue bene [Note: [e] Which obserued the difference of them supersticiously. ] occupied therein.

10 [Note: [7] He refuteth their errour by an apte and fitte comparison. They which in times past serued the Tabernacle, did not eate of the sacrifices whose blood was brought for sinne into the holy place by the hie Priest Moreouer these sacrifices did represent Christ our offering. Therefore they cannot be partakers of him which serue the Tabernacle, that is, such as stand in the seruice of the Lawe: but let not vs be ashamed to folowe him out of Hierusalem, from whence he was cast out and suffered: for in this also Christ, who is the trueth, answereth that figure, in that he suffered without the gate. ] We haue an [Note: [f] By the Altar, hee meaneth the offerings. ] altar, whereof they haue no authoritie to eate, which [Note: [g] Whereof they cannot be partakers, which stubburnely reteine the rites of the Lawe. ] serue in the tabernacle.

11 [Note: Leuit:4.11. and 6.30. and 16 27. ] For the bodies of those beastes whose blood is brought into the Holy place by the high Priest for sinne, are burnt without the campe.

12 Therefore euen Iesus, that he might sanctifie the people with his owne blood, suffered without the gate.

13 [Note: [8] He goeth on further in this comparison, and sheweth that this also is signified vnto vs, that the godly folowers of Christ must as it were goe out of the worlds bearing his crosse. ] Let vs goe foorth to him therefore out of the campe, bearing his reproch.

14 [Note: Mich. 2.10. ] For here haue we no continuing citie: but we seeke one to come.

15 [Note: [9] Nowe that those corporall sacrifices are taken away, he teacheth vs that the true sacrifices of confession remaine, which consist partly in giuing of thankes, and partly in liberalitie, with which sacrifices in deede God is nowe delighted. ] Let vs therefore by him offer the sacrifice of prayse alwaies to God, that is, the [Note: Hose.14.3. ] fruite of the lippes, which confesse his Name.

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[The great shepheard.]

16 To doe good, and to distribute forget not: for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

17 [Note: [10] Wee must obey the warnings and admonitions of our Ministers and Elders, which watch for the saluation of ye soules which are committed vnto them. ] Obey them that haue the ouersight of you, and submit your selues: for they watche for your soules, as they that must giue accountes, that they may doe it with ioy, and not with griefe: for that is vnprofitable for you.

18 [Note: [11] The last part of this Epistle, wherein he commendeth his ministerie to the Hebrewes, and wisheth them continuance and increase of graces from the Lord: and excuseth himselfe in that hee hath vsed but fewe woordes to comfort them, hauing spent the Epistle in disputing: and saluteth certaine brethren familiarly and friendly. ] Pray for vs: for we are assured that we haue a good conscience in all things, desiring to liue honestly.

19 And I desire you somewhat the more earnestly, that yee so doe, that I may be restored to you more quickly.

20 The God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus, the great shepheard of the sheepe, through the blood of the euerlasting

[To endure tentation.]


21 Make you [Note: [h] Make you fitte or meete. ] perfect in all good workes, to doe his will, [Note: [i] Hence commeth that saying of the Fathers, that God crowneth his works in vs. ] working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ, to whom be praise for euer and euer, Amen.

22 I beseeche you also, brethren, suffer the wordes of exhortation: for I haue written vnto you in fewe wordes.

23 Knowe that our brother Timotheus is deliuered, with whome (if hee come shortly) I will see you.

24 Salute all them that haue the ouersight of you, and all the Saintes. They of Italie salute you.

25 Grace be with you all, Amen.

Written to the Hebrewes from Italie, and sent by Timotheus.