6 He sheweth what kinde of men ought to be chosen Ministers: 10 how vaine babblers mouthes should be stopped: 12 and through this occasion he toucheth the nature of the Cretians, 14 and the Iewes who put holinesse in outward things.

1 Paul [Note: [1] Hee voucheth his Apostleship, (not for Titus, but for the Cretenses sake) both by the testimonie of his outward calling, and by his consent wherein he agreeth with all the elect from the beginning of the world. ] a [Note: [a] A Minister, as Christ him selfe in that that he was a minister and head of the Prophets, is called a seruant, Esa.43.10. ] seruaunt of God, and an Apostle of Iesus Christ, according to the faith of Gods [Note: [b] Of those whom God hath chosen. ] elect, [Note: [2] The faith wherein all the elect consent, is the true and syncere knowledge of God, tending to this ende, that worshipping God aright, they may at length obteine life euerlasting according to the promise of God, who is true, which promise was exhibited in Christ in due time, according to his eternall purpose. ] and the acknowledging of the trueth, which is according vnto godlines,

2 Vnto the [Note: [c] Hope is the ende of faith. ] hope of eternall life, which God that cannot lie, hath [Note: [d] Freely and of his meere liberalitie. ] promised before the [Note: Rom.16.25. ephes.3.9. col.1.26. 2.tim.1.9. ] [Note: [e] Looke 2.Tim 1.9. ] world began:

3 [Note: [3] This trueth is no other where to be sought, but in the preaching of the Apostles. ] But hath made his worde manifest in due time through the preaching, which is [Note: Gal.1.1. ] committed vnto me, according to the commandement of God our [Note: [f] This worde (Sauiour) doeth not onely signifie a preseruer of life, but also a giuer of life. ] Sauiour:

4 [Note: [4] The Apostle mooueth the Cretenses to heare Titus, by setting forth his consent and agreement with him in the faith, and therewithall sheweth by what speciall note wee may distinguish true ministers from false. ] To Titus my naturall sonne according to the common faith, [Note: [5] There is but one way of saluation, common both to the Pastour, and the flocke. ] Grace, mercie and peace from God the Father, and from the Lorde Iesus Christ our Sauiour.

5 [Note: [6] The first admonition, to ordeine Elders in euery citie. ] For this cause left I thee in Creta, that thou shouldest continue to redresse the thinges that remaine, and shouldest ordeine Elders in euery citie, as I appointed thee,

6 [Note: 1. Tim.3.2. ] If any be vnreproueable, the husbande of one wife, hauing faithfull children, which are not slandered of riot, neither are [Note: [g] This word is proper to horses and oxen, which will not abide the yoke. ] disobedient.

7 [Note: [7] The second admonition, what faultes Pastours (whome hee comprehended afore vnder the woorde Elders: ought to be voide of, and what vertues they ought to haue. ] For a Bishop must bee vnreproueable, as Gods [Note: [h] Whom the Lord hath appoynted stewarde of his gifts. ] steward, not [Note: [i] Not hard conditioned, and euill to please. ] froward, not angrie, not giuen to wine, no striker, not giuen to filthie lucre,

8 But harberous, one that loueth goodnesse, [Note: [k] Circumspect, and of a sound iudgement, and of a singular example of moderation. ] wise, righteous, holy, temperate,

9 [Note: [8] The third admonition: The Pastour must hold fast that doctrine, which the Apostles deliuered, and perteineth to saluation, leauing all curious and vaine matters. ] Holding fast that faithfull worde according to doctrine, [Note: [9] The fourth admonition: To applie the knowledge of true doctrine vnto vse, which consisteth in two things, to witte, in gouerning them which shew themselues apt to learne, & confuting the obstinate. ] that he also may bee able to exhort with wholesome doctrine, and conuince them that say against it.

10 [Note: [10] An applying of the generall proposition to a particular: The Cretenses aboue all other neede sharpe reprehensions: both because their mindes are naturally giuen to lyes and slouthfulnesse, and also because of certaine couetous Iewes, which vnder a colour of godlinesse, ioyned partly certaine vaine traditions, and partly olde ceremonies with the Gospel. ] For there are many disobedient & vaine talkers and deceiuers of mindes, chiefly they of the [Note: [l] Of the Iewes, or rather of those Iewes which went about to ioyne Christ and the Law together. ] Circumcision,

11 Whose mouthes must bee stopped, which subuert whole houses, teaching things, which they ought not, for filthie lucres sake.

12 [Note: [m] Epimenides, who was counted a Prophet amongst them. Looke vpon Laertius, and Cicero in his first booke of diuination. ] One of themselues, euen one of their owne prophets said, The Cretians are alwaies liars, euill beastes, slowe bellies.

13 This witnesse is true: wherefore conuince them [Note: [n] Roughly and plainly, and goe not about the bush with them. ] sharply, that they may be sound in ye faith,

14 And not taking heede to [Note: 1.Tim. 1.4. ] Iewish fables and commaundements of men, that turne away from the trueth.

15 [Note: [11] He sheweth in few woordes, that puritie consisteth not in any externall worship, and that, that is according to the olde Lawe, (as in difference of meats, and washings and other such things which are abolished) but in the minde and conscience: and whosoeuer teache otherwise, knowe not what is true religion in deede, and also are nothing lesse then that they woulde seeme to bee. ] Vnto the pure [Note: Rom.14.20. ] are all things pure, but vnto them that are defiled, and vnbeleeuing, is nothing pure, but euen their [Note: [o] If our mindes and consciences bee vncleane, what cleannesse is there in vs before regeneration? ] mindes and consciences are defiled.

16 They professe that they know God, but by works they deny him, and are abominable & disobedient, and vnto euery good worke reprobate.


2 He setteth out the dueties of sundry persons and states, 6 and willeth him to instruct the Church in maners. 11 He draweth an argument from the end of our redemption, 12 which is, that we liue godly and vprightly.

1 Bvt [Note: [1] The fift admonition: The doctrine must not only be generally pure, but also be applied to all ages & orders of men, according to the diuersitie of circumstances. ] speake thou the thinges which become wholesome doctrine,

2 [Note: [2] What are the chiefest vertues for olde & yong, both men & women: & how they ought to be stirred vp vnto them continually. ] That the elder men be watchful, graue, teperate, sounde in the faith, in loue, & in patience:

3 The elder women likewise, that they be in such behauiour as becommeth holinesse, not false accusers, not subiect to much wine, but teachers of honest things,

4 That they may instruct the yong women to be sober minded, that they loue their husbads, that they loue their children,

5 That they be temperate, chaste, [Note: [a] No gadders vp and downe. ] keeping at home, good & [Note: Ephe.5.23. ] subiect vnto their husbands, that the word of God be not euill spoken of.

6 Exhort yong men likewise, that they bee sober minded.

7 [Note: [3] The sixth admonition: That both ye Pastours life & doctrin must be soud. ] In all things shewe thy selfe an ensample [Page]

[Obey the powers.]

of good woorkes with vncorrupt doctrine, with [Note: [b] Not such a grauitie as may driue men from comming to the minister, but such as may cause them to come in most reuerent and honest sort. ] grauitie, integritie,

8 And with the wholesome woorde, which can not be condemned, that hee which withstandeth, may be ashamed, hauing nothing concerning you to speake euill of.

9 [Note: Ephes.6.5. col.3.22. ] [Note: [4] The seuenth admonition, of seruaunts duetie towarde their masters. ] Let seruants be subiect to their masters, & please them in [Note: [c] Which may be done without offence to God. ] al things, not answering again,

10 Neither pickers, but that they shew al good faithfulnesse, that they may adorne the doctrine of God our Sauiour in all things.

11 [Note: 1.Cor.1.2. colos.1.22. ] [Note: [5] The eight admonition belonging to all the godly, that seeing God calleth all men to the Gospel, and Christ hath so iustified vs, that hee hath also sanctified vs, we must all of vs giue our selues to true godlinesse and righteousnesse, setting before vs a sure hope of that immeasurable glorie: which thing must in such sort bee beaten into their heads, that the gainesayers also must bee reprooued, by the authoritie of the mightie God. ] For that grace of God, that bringeth saluation vnto all men, hath appeared,

12 And teacheth vs that we should denie vngodlinesse and [Note: [d] Lusts of the flesh, which belong to the present state of this life and world. ] worldly lusts, and that we should liue soberly and righteously, and godly in this present world,

13 [Note: [e] Christ is here most plainly called that mightie God, and his appearance and comming is called by the figure Metonymie, our hope. ] Looking for that blessed hope, and appearing of that glorie of that mightie God, and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ,

14 Who gaue him selfe for vs, that hee might redeeme vs from all iniquitie, and purge vs to bee a [Note: [f] As it were a thing peculiarly laide vp for himselfe. ] peculiar people vnto himselfe, zealous of good woorkes.

15 These things speake, and exhort, and conuince with all [Note: [g] With all authoritie possible. ] authoritie. See that no man despise thee.


1 Hee willeth that all generally bee put in minde to reuerence such as bee in authoritie: 3 That they remember their former life, and attribute all iustification vnto grace. 9 And if any brabler withstand these things, 10 hee willeth that he be reiected.

1 Pvt [Note: [1] He declareth particularly & seuerally, that which he sayde before generally, noting out certaine chiefe and principal dueties, which men owe to men, and especially subiects to their magistrates. ] them in remembrance that they [Note: Rom.13.1. ] bee subiect to the Principalities and powers, and that they bee obedient, and ready to euery good woorke,

2 That they speake euill of no man, that they be no fighters, but soft, shewing all meekenesse

[Stay foolish questions.]

vnto all men.

3 [Note: [2] He confirmeth againe the former exhortation by propounding the free benefite of our regeneration, the pledge whereof is our Baptisme. ] [Note: 1.Cor.6.11. ] For wee our selues also were in times past vnwise, disobedient, deceiued, seruing the lustes and diuers pleasures, liuing in maliciousnes and enuie, hatefull, and hating one another:

4 But when that bountifulnesse & that loue of God our Sauiour toward man appeared,

5 [Note: 2.Tim.1.9. ] Not by the woorkes of [Note: [a] Word for word, of woorkes which are done in righteousnesse: and this place doeth fully refute the doctrine of merits. ] righteousnesse, which we had done, but according to his mercie he saued vs, by the washing of the newe birth, and the renewing of the [Note: [b] Which the vertue of the holy Ghost woorketh. ] holy Ghost,

6 Which he shed on vs aboundantly, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour,

7 That we, being iustified by his grace, should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life.

8 [Note: [3] Againe with great earnestnesse he beateth into our heads, howe that we ought to giue our selues to true godlines, and eschewe all vaine questions, which serue to nothing but to mooue strife and debate. ] This is a true saying, and these thinges I will thou shouldest affirme, that they which haue beleeued God, might be carefull to shewe foorth [Note: [c] Giue themselues earnestly vnto good woorkes. ] good woorkes. These things are good and profitable vnto men.

9 [Note: 1.Tim.1.4. & 4.7. 2.tim.2.23. ] But stay foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and brawlings about the Lawe: for they are vnprofitable and vaine.

10 [Note: [4] The ministers of the worde, must at once cast off heretikes, that is, such as stubburnely and seditiously disquiet ye Church, and will giue no eare to Ecclesiasticall admonitios. ] Reiect him that is an heretike, after once or twise admonition,

11 Knowing that hee that is such, is peruerted, and sinneth, being damned of his owne selfe.

12 [Note: [5] Last of all, he writeth a worde or two of priuate matters and commendeth certaine men. ] When I shall send Artemas vnto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come to mee vnto Nicopolis: for I haue determined there to winter.

13 Bring Zenas the expounder of the Lawe, and Apollos on their iourney diligently, that they lacke nothing.

14 And let ours also learne to shewe foorth good woorkes for necessary vses, that they be not vnfruitfull.

15 All that are with mee, salute thee. Greete them that loue vs in the faith. Grace bee with you all, Amen.

¶ To Titus, elect the first bishoppe of the Church of the Cretians, written from Nicopolis in Macedonia.