[Not to follow the fathers.]

Introductory matter


Two moneths after that Haggai had begunne to prophecie, Zechariah was also sent of the Lorde to helpe him in the labour, and to confirme the same doctrine. First therefore hee putteth them in remembrance, for what cause God had so sore punished their fathers: and yet comforteth them, if they will repent vnsainedly, and not abuse this great benefite of God in their deliuerance, which was a figure of that true deliuerance, that all the faithfull should haue from death and sinne by Christ. But because they still remained in their wickednes, and coldnes to set foorth Gods glory, and were not yet made better by their long banishment, he rebuketh them most sharpely: yet for the comfort of the repentant, hee euer mixeth the promes of grace, that they might by this meanes be prepared to receiue Christ, in whome all should be sanctified to the Lord.


2 He exhorteth the people to returne to the Lorde, and to eschewe the wickednes of their fathers. 16 Hee signifieth the restitution of Ierusalem and the Temple.

1 In the eight moneth of the second yeere of [Note: [a] Who was the sonne of Hystaspis. ] Darius, came the worde of the Lorde vnto [Note: [b] This was not that Zechariah, whereof is mention, 2.Chro.24.20. but had the same name, and is called the sonne of Berechiah, as he was because he came of those progenitours, as of Ioiada or Berechiah and Iddo. ] Zechariah the sonne of Berechiah, the sonne of Iddo, the Prophet, saying,

2 The Lord hath bene [Note: [c] Hee speaketh this to feare them with Gods iudgements that they should not prouoke him as their fathers had done, whom he so grieuously punished. ] sore displeased with your fathers.

3 Therefore say thou vnto them, Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, [Note: [d] Let your fruites declare, that you are Gods people, and that he hath wrought in you by his spirite and mortified you: for els man hath no power to returne to God; but God must conuert him, as Ierem.31.18. lamen.5.21. isai.21.8. and 31.6. and 45.21. ] Turne ye vnto me, saith the Lord of hostes, and I will turne vnto you, saith the Lord of hostes.

4 Be ye not as your fathers, vnto whome the former [Note: Iere.3.12. ezek.18.30. hose.14.2. ioel 2.12. ] prophets haue cried, saying, Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Turne you nowe from your euill wayes, and from your wicked workes: but they would not heare, nor hearken vnto me, saith the Lorde.

5 your fathers, where [Note: [e] Though your fathers be dead, yet Gods iudgements in punishing them ought still to be before your eyes: and though the Prophets be dead, yet their doctrine remaineth for euer, 2.Pet.1.15. ] are they? and doe the Prophets liue for euer?

6 But did not my wordes and my statutes, which I commanded by my seruants ye Prophets, take holde of [Note: [f] Seeing ye sawe the force of my doctrine in punishing your fathers, why doe not ye feare the threatnings conteined in the same and declared by my Prophets? ] your fathers? and [Note: [g] As men astonished with my iudgements, and not that they were touched with true repentance. ] they returned, and sayd, As the Lord of hostes hath determined to doe vnto vs, according to our owne wayes, and according to our workes, so hath hee dealt with vs.

7 Vpon the foure and twentieth day of the eleuenth moneth, which is the moneth [Note: [h] Which conteineth part of Ianuarie and part of Februarie. ] Shebat, in the second yeere of Darius, came the worde of the Lord vnto Zechariah the sonne of Berechiah, the sonne of Iddo the Prophet, saying,

8 I [Note: [i] This vision signifieth the restauration of the Church, but as yet it should not appeare to mans eies, which is here ment by the night, by the bottome, and by the mirre trees, which are blacke, and giue a darke shadowe: yet he compareth God to a King, who hath his posts and messengers abroad By whome he still, worketh his purpose and bringeth his matters to passe. ] saw by night, and behold [Note: [k] Who was the chiefe among the rest of ye horsemen. ] a man riding vpon a red horse, and hee stood among the mirre trees, that were in a bottome, and behinde him were there [Note: [l] These signified the diuers offices of Gods Angels by whom God sometime punisheth, & sometime comforteth and bringeth forth his workes in diuers sortes. ] red horses speckeled and white.

9 Then sayd I, O my Lorde, what are these? And the Angel that talked with me, sayde vnto me, I wil shew thee what these be.

10 And the man that stood among the mirre trees, answered, and sayd, These are they whome the Lord hath sent to go through the world.

11 And they answered the Angel of the Lord, that stood among the mirre trees, and sayd, We haue gone thorowe the world: and beholde, all the world sitteth still, and is at rest.

12 Then the [Note: [m] That is, Christ the Mediatour prayed for the saluation of his Church, which was now troubled whe al the countreys about them were at rest. ] Angel of the Lorde answered and sayd, O Lord of hostes, howe long wilt thou be vnmercifull to Ierusalem, and to the cities of Iudah, with whom thou hast bene displeased now these threescore and ten yeeres?

13 And the Lorde answered the Angel that talked with me, with good wordes and comfortable wordes.

14 So the Angel that communed with me, said vnto me, Crie thou, and speake, Thus saith the

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[Foure hornes. A wall of fire.]

Lorde of hostes, I am [Note: [n] Though for a time God deferre his helpe and comfort from his Church, yet this declareth that he loueth them still most dearely, as a most mercifull father his children, or an husband his wife, and when it is expedient for them, his helpe is euer readie. ] ielous ouer Ierusalem and Zion with a great zeale,
15 And am greatly angrie against the carelesse heathen: for I was angrie but [Note: [o] In destroying the reprobate I shewed my selfe but a litle angry toward my Church, but the enemie woulde haue destroyed them also, and considered not the ende of my chastisements. ] a litle, and they helped forward the affliction.

16 Therefore thus saith the Lord, I wil returne vnto Ierusalem with tender mercie: mine house shall be builded in it, saith the Lord of hostes, and a line [Note: [p] To measure out the buildings. ] shall be stretched vpon Ierusalem.

17 Cry yet, and speake, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, My cities shall yet [Note: [q] The abundance shalbe so great that the places of store shall not be able to conteine these blessings that God wil send, but shal euen breake for fulnesse. ] be broken with plentie: the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet chuse Ierusalem.

18 Then lift I vp mine eyes and sawe, and beholde, [Note: [r] Which signified all the enemies of the Church, East, West, North, South. ] foure hornes.

19 And I said vnto the Angel that talked with me, What be these? And hee answered me, These are the hornes which haue scattered Iudah, Israel, and Ierusalem.

20 And the Lord shewed me foure [Note: [s] These carpenters or smithes are Gods instruments, which with their mallets and hammers breake these hard and strong hornes, which would ouerthrow the Church, & declare that none enemies horne is so strong, but God hath an hammer to breake it in pieces. ] carpenters.

21 Then said I, What come these to doe? And he answered, and said, These are the hornes, which haue scattered Iudah, so that a man durst not lift vp his head: but these are come to fray them, and to cast out the hornes of the Gentiles, which lift vp their horne ouer the land of Iudah, to scatter it.


The restoring of Ierusalem and Iudah.

1 I lift vp mine eyes againe and looked, and behold, a [Note: [a] That is, the Angel who was Christ: for in respect of his office he is oft times called an Angel, but in respect of his eternall essence, is God and so called. ] man with a measuring line in his hand.

2 Then saide I, Whither goest thou? And he saide vnto me, To measure Ierusalem, that I may see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.

3 And beholde, the Angel that talked with me, went foorth: and another Angel went out to meete him,

4 And saide vnto him, Runne, speake to this [Note: [b] Meaning, himselfe Zechariah. ] yong man, and say, [Note: [c] Signifying the spirituall Ierusalem and Church vnder Christ, which should be extended by the Gospel through all the world and should neede no materiall walles, nor trust in any worldly stregth, but should be safely preserued, and dwell in peace among all their enemies. ] Ierusalem shalbe inhabited without walles, for the multitude of men and cattell therein.

5 For I, saith the Lord, will be vnto her a wall of [Note: [d] To defend my Church, to feare the enemies, and to destroy them if they approch nere. ] fire round about, and wil [Note: [e] In me they shall haue their full felicitie and glory. ] be the glory in the middes of her.

6 Ho, ho, come [Note: [f] Hee calleth to them which partly for feare, and partly for their owne ease, remayned still in captiuitie, and so preferred their owne priuate commodities to the benefites of God promised in his Church. ] forth, & flee from the land of the North, saith the Lord: for I haue scattered you into the foure [Note: [g] As it was I that scattered you, so haue I power to restore you. ] winds of the heauen, saith ye Lord.

7 [Note: [h] By flying from Babylon and comming to the Church. ] Saue thy selfe, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babel.

8 For thus saith the Lord of hostes, After this [Note: [i] Seeing that God hath begunne to shewe his grace among you by deliuering you, he continueth the same still towarde you, and therefore sendeth mee his Angell, and his Christ to defende you from your enemies, that they shall not hurt you, neither by the way not at home. ] glory hath hee sent me vnto the nations, which spoyled you: for he that toucheth you, toucheth the [Note: [k] Yee are so deare vnto God, that he can no more suffer your enemies to hurt you, then a man can abide to be thrust in the eye, Psalme 17.8. ] apple of his eye.

9 For beholde, I will lift vp mine hand [Note: [l] Vpon the heathen your enemies. ] vpon them: and [Note: [m] They shall be your seruants as you haue bene theirs. ] they shalbe a spoyle to those that serued them, and ye shall knowe, that the Lord of

[Satans temptation.]

hostes hath [Note: [n] This must necessarily be vnderstande of Christ, who being God equall with his Father, was sent as he was Mediatour to dwel in his Church, and to gouerne them. ] sent me.

10 Reioyce, and be glad, O daughter Zion: for loe, I come, and will dwell in the middes of thee, saith the Lord.

11 And many nations shall be ioyned to the Lord in that day, and shalbe my people: and I will dwell in the middes of thee, and thou shalt knowe that the Lord of hostes hath sent me vnto thee.

12 And the Lord shall inherite Iudah his portion in the holy lande, and shall chuse Ierusalem againe.

13 Let all flesh be still before the Lord: for he is raised vp out of his holy place.


A prophesie of Christ and of his kingdome.

1 And he shewed mee Iehoshua the hie Priest, [Note: [a] Hee prayed to Christ the Mediatour for the state of the Church. ] standing before the Angel of the Lord, and [Note: [b] Which declareth that the faithfull haue not onely warre with flesh and blood, but with Satan himselfe and spirituall wickednesses, Ephes. 6.12. ] Satan stoode at his right hand to resist him.

2 And the [Note: [c] That is, Christ speaketh to God as the Mediatour of his Church that he would rebuke Satan: and here he sheweth himselfe to be the continuall preseruer of his Church. ] Lord said vnto Satan, The Lord reprooue thee, O Satan: euen the Lord that hath chosen Ierusalem, reprooue thee. Is not this a [Note: [d] Meaning, that Iehoshua was wonderfully preserued in the captiuitie, and nowe Satan sought to afflict and trouble him when he was doing his office. ] brand taken out of the fire?

3 Nowe Iehoshua was clothed with filthie garments, and stoode before the Angel.

4 And he answered and spake vnto those that stoode before him, saying, Take away the [Note: [e] In respect of the glorious garments, and precious stones that the Priestes did weare before the captiuitie: and by this contemptible state the Prophet signifieth that these small beginnings should be made excellent when Christ shall make the full restitution of his Church. ] filthie garments from him. And vnto him hee saide, Behold, I haue [Note: [f] Hee sheweth of what apparell hee speaketh, which is when our filthie sinnes are taken away and we are clad with Gods mercies, which is meant of the spirituall restitution. ] caused thine iniquitie to depart from thee, & I wil clothe thee with change of raiment.

5 And I saide, Let them [Note: [g] The Prophet prayeth that besides the rayment, the Priest might also haue tyre for his head accordingly, that is, that the dignitie of the Priesthood might be perfect: and this was fulfilled in Christ, who was both Priest and King: and here all such are condemned that can content them selues with any meane reformation in religion, seeing the Prophet desireth the perfection, & obteineth it. ] set a faire diademe vpon his head. So they set a faire diademe vpon his head, and clothed him with garments, and the Angel of the Lord stoode by.

6 And the Angel of the Lorde testified vnto Iehoshua, saying,

7 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, If thou wilt walke in my wayes, and keepe my watch, thou shalt also [Note: [h] That is, haue rule and gouernment in my Church, as thy predecessours haue had. ] iudge mine House, and shalt also keepe my [Note: [i] Whereby he meaneth to haue the whole charge and ministerie of the Church. ] courtes, and I will giue thee place among [Note: [k] That is, the Angels who represented the whole nomber of the faithfull: signifying that all the godly shoulde willingly receiue him. ] these that stand by.

8 Heare now, O Iehoshua the hie Priest, thou and thy felowes that sit before thee: for they [Note: [l] Because they followe my worde, they are contemned in the world, and esteemed as monsters, Isa.8 18. ] are monstruous persons: but behold, I wil bring forth the [Note: [m] That is, Christ, who did so humble himselfe, that not onely hee became the seruant of God, but also the seruant of men: and therefore in him they should haue comfort, although in the world they were contemned, Isa.11.1.iere.23.5. and 33.14,15. ] Branche my seruant.

9 For loe, the [Note: [n] Hee sheweth that the ministers can not build, before God lay the first stone, which is Christ, who is full of eyes, both because hee giueth light vnto all others, and that all ought to seeke light at him, Chap. 4.10. ] stone that I haue layd before Iehoshua: vpon one stone shalbe seuen eyes: beholde, I will [Note: [o] That is, I will make it perfect in all points, as a thing wrought by the hand of God. ] cut out the grauing thereof, saith the Lord of hostes, and I will take [Note: [p] Though I haue punished this land for a time, yet I wil euen now be pacified, and visite their sinnes no more. ] away the iniquitie of this land in one day.

10 In that day, saith the Lorde of hostes, shall ye call euery man his neighbour vnder the [Note: [q] Ye shall then liue in peace and quietnesse, that is, in the kingdome of Christ, Isa.2.2.micah. 4 4.haggai.2.10. ] vine, and vnder the figge tree.

[A golden candlesticke.]


The vision of the golden candlesticke, and the exposition thereof.

1 And the Angel that talked with mee, came againe and waked mee, as a man that is raysed out of his sleepe,

2 And saide vnto me, What seest thou? And I said, I haue looked, and beholde, a [Note: [a] Which was euer in the mids of the Temple, signifying that the graces of Gods Spirit should shine there in most abundance, and in all perfection. ] candlesticke all of gold with a bowle vpon the toppe of it, and his seuen lampes therein, and seuen [Note: [b] Which conueyed the oyle that dropped from the trees into the lampes, so that the light neuer failed: and this vision was to confirme the faithfull that God had sufficient power in himselfe to continue his graces, and to bring his promes to passe, though he had no helpe of man. ] pipes to the lampes, which were vpon the toppe thereof.

3 And two oliue trees ouer it, one vpon the right side of the bowle, and the other vpon the left side thereof.

4 So I answered, and spake to the Angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord?

5 Then the Angel that talked with mee, answered and said vnto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my Lord.

6 Then he answered and spake vnto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord vnto [Note: [c] Who was a figure of Christ, and therefore this doctrine was directed to all the Church who are his body and members. ] Zerubbabel, saying, Neither by [Note: [d] He sheweth that Gods power onely is sufficient to preserue his Church, though he vse not mans helpe thereunto. ] an armie nor strength, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hostes.

7 Who art thou, O [Note: [e] He compareth the power of the aduersaries to a great mountaine, who thought the Iewes nothing in respect of them, and would haue hindered Zerubbabel, who represeted Christ whom the enemies dayly labour to let, in the building of his spirituall Temple, but all in vaine. ] great mountaine, before Zerubbabel? thou shalt be a plaine, and [Note: [f] Though the enemies thinke to staye this building, yet Zerubbabel shall laye the highest stone thereof, and bring it to perfection, so that all the godly shall reioyce, and pray vnto God that hee would continue his grace and fauour toward the Temple. ] he shall bring foorth the head stone thereof, with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace vnto it.

8 Moreouer, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

9 The handes of Zerubbabel haue layde the foundation of this house: his handes shall also finish it, and [Note: [g] Meaning, the Prophet, that I am Christ sent of my Father for the building, and preseruation of my spirituall Temple. ] thou shalt knowe that the Lorde of hostes hath sent me vnto you.

10 For who hath despised the day of the [Note: [h] Signifying that all were discouraged at the small & poore beginnings of the Temple. ] small thinges? but they shall reioyce, and shall see the stone of [Note: [i] Whereby he signifieth the plummet and line, that is, that Zerubbabel which represented Christ, should goe forward with his building to the ioy and comfort of the godly, though the world be against him, and though his for a while be discouraged, because they see not things pleasant to the eye. ] tinne in the hand of Zerubbabel: [Note: [k] That is, God hath seuen eyes: meaning a continuall prouidence, so that neither Satan nor any power in the worlde can goe about or bring any thing to passe to hinder his worke, Chap. 3.9. ] these seuen are the eyes of the Lord, which go thorow the whole world.

11 Then answered I, and said vnto him, What are these two oliue trees vpon the right and vpon the left side thereof?

12 And I spake moreouer, and said vnto him, What bee these two oliue branches, which thorowe the two golden pipes emptie themselues into the golde?

13 And hee answered me, and saide, Knowest thou not what these bee? And I sayde, No, my Lorde.

14 Then said he, These are the two [Note: [l] Which were euer greene and full of oyle, so that still they powred foorth oyle into the lampes: signifying, that God will continually mainteine and preserue his Church, and indue it still with abundance and perfection of graces. ] oliue branches, that stand with the ruler of the whole earth.


1 The vision of the flying booke, signifying the curse of thieues, and such as abuse the Name of God. 6 By the vision of the measure is signified the bringing of Iudahs afflictions into Babylon.

1 Then I turned me, and lifted vp mine eyes and looked, and beholde, a flying booke.

[Wickednesse shut vp.]

2 And he said vnto me, What seest thou? And I answered, I see a flying [Note: [a] Because ye Iewes had prouoked Gods plagues by contemning his word, and casting off all iudgement and equitie, hee sheweth that Gods curses written in this booke had iustly light both on them, and their fathers: but now if they would repent, God would sende the same among the Caldeans their former enemies. ] booke: the length thereof is twentie cubites, and the breadth thereof tenne cubites.

3 Then said he vnto me, This is the curse that goeth foorth ouer the whole earth: for euery one that [Note: [b] That is, vseth any iniurie towarde his neighbour. ] stealeth, shalbe cut off aswell on this [Note: [c] Meaning, wheresoeuer he be in the world. ] side, as on that: and euery one that [Note: [d] He that transgresseth the first table, and serueth not God aright, but abuseth Gods Name. ] sweareth, shall be cut off aswell on this side, as on that.

4 I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thiefe, and into the house of him, that falsely sweareth by my Name: and it shall remaine in the middes of his house, and shall consume it, with the timber thereof, and stones thereof.

5 Then the Angel that talked with me, went foorth, and said vnto me, Lift vp now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth foorth.

6 And I saide, What is it? And hee sayde, This is an [Note: [e] Which was a measure in drie things conteyning about ten pottels. ] Ephah that goeth foorth. Hee saide moreouer, This is the [Note: [f] That is, all the wickednes of the vngodly is in Gods sight, which he keepeth in a measure and can shut it or open it at his pleasure. ] sight of them through all the earth.

7 And beholde, there was lift vp a [Note: [g] To couer the measure. ] talent of lead: and this is a [Note: [h] Which representeth iniquitie, as in the next verse. ] woman that sitteth in the middes of the Ephah.

8 And he said, This is [Note: [i] Signifying, that Satan should not haue such power against the Iewes to tempt them, as he had in time past, but that God woulde shut vp iniquitie in a measure as in a prison. ] wickednes, and he cast it into the middes of the Ephah, and hee cast the weight of lead vpon the mouth thereof.

9 Then lift I vp mine eyes, and looked: and beholde, there came out two [Note: [k] Which declared that God woulde execute his iudgements by the meanes of weake and infirme meanes. ] women, and the winde was in their wings (for they had wings like the wings of a storke) and they lift vp the Ephah betweene the earth and the heauen.

10 Then saide I to the Angel that talked with me, Whither doe these beare the Ephah?

11 And hee saide vnto mee, [Note: [l] To remooue the iniquitie and afflictions that came for the same from Iudah, to place it for euer in Babylon. ] To builde it an house in the lande of Shinar, and it shall be established and set there vpon her owne place.


By the foure charets he describeth the foure monarchies.

1 Againe, I turned and lift vp mine eyes, and looked: and beholde, there came foure [Note: [a] By charets here, as by horses afore, he meaneth the swift messengers of God to execute and declare his will. ] charets out from betweene [Note: [b] By the brasen mountaines hee meaneth the eternall counsell and prouidence of God, whereby he hath from before all eternitie decreed what shall come to passe, and that which neither Satan nor all the worlde can alter. ] two mountaines, and the mountaines were mountaines of brasse.

2 In the first charet were [Note: [c] Which signified the great crueltie and persecutions that the Church had endured vnder diuers enemies. ] red horses, and in the second charet [Note: [d] Signifying that they had endured great afflictions vnder the Babylonians. ] blacke horses,

3 And in the thirde charet [Note: [e] These represented their state vnder the Persians which restored them to libertie. ] white horses, and in the fourth charet, horses of [Note: [f] Which signified that God woulde sometime giue his Church rest, and powre his plagues vpon their enemies, as hee did in destroying Nineueh and Babylon, and other their enemies. ] diuers colours, and reddish.

4 Then I answered, and saide vnto the Angell that talked with mee, What are these, my Lorde?

5 And the Angell answered, and sayde vnto mee, These are the [Note: [g] Meaning, all the actions and motions of Gods Spirit, which according to his inchangeable counsell he causeth to appeare through all the worlde. ] foure spirites of the heauen, which goe foorth from standing with the Lorde of all the earth.

6 That with the blacke horse went forth into

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[The Branch. Hypocrites fasting.]

the land of the North, and the white went out after them, and they of diuers colours went forth toward the [Note: [h] That is, toward Egypt, and other countreys thereabout. ] South countrey.
7 And the [Note: [i] That is, they of diuers colours, which aske leaue, to signifie that Satan hath no power to hurt or afflict til God giue it him, Iob 1.12. ] reddish went out, and required to go, and passe through the world, and he sayde, Goe passe through the worlde. So they went thorowout the world.

8 Then cryed hee vpon me, and spake vnto me, saying, Beholde, these that goe towarde the North countrey, haue pacified my [Note: [k] By punishing the Caldeans mine anger ceased, and you were deliuered. ] spirit in the North countrey.

9 And the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

10 Take of them of ye captiuitie, euen of Heldai, and of Tobijah, and Iedaiah, which are come from Babel, and come thou the same day, and goe vnto the house [Note: [l] To receiue of him and the other three, money to make the two crownes: which were men of great authoritie among the Iewes, and douted of the restitution of the kingdome and of the priesthood, and hurt others by their example. ] of Ioshiah, the sonne of Zephaniah.

11 Take euen siluer, and golde, and make crownes, and set them vpon the [Note: [m] Because this could not be attributed to any one according to the Lawe, therefore it followeth that Iehoshua must represent the Messiah who was both Priest and King. ] head of Iehoshua, the sonne of Iehozadak the hie Priest,

12 And speake vnto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes, & sayth, Behold the man whose name is the [Note: [n] Meaning, Christ, of whome Iehoshua was the figure: for in Greeke they were both called Iesus. ] Branch, and he shal growe [Note: [o] That is, of him selfe without the helpe of man. ] vp out of his place, and he shal [Note: [p] Which declareth that none could build this Temple, wherof Haggai speaketh, but only Christ: and therefore it was spirituall, & not material, Hag.2.10. ] build the Temple of the Lord.

13 Euen hee shall build the Temple of the Lord, and he shall beare the [Note: [q] Whereof Iehoshua had but a shadowe. ] glory, and shall sit and rule vpon his throne, and he shalbe a Priest vpon his throne, and the counsell of peace shall be betweene [Note: [r] The two offices of the kingdome, & priesthood shall be so ioyned together, that they shalbe no more disseuered. ] them both.

14 And the crownes shall be to [Note: [s] Who was also called Heldai. ] Helem, and to Tobijah, & to Iedaiah, and to [Note: [t] He also was called Ioshiah. ] Hen the sonne of Zephaniah, for a [Note: [u] That they may acknowledge their infirmitie, which looked that all things should haue bin restored incontinently: and of this their infidelitie these two crownes shal remaine as tokens, Act.1.6. ] memoriall in the Temple of the Lord.

15 And they that are [Note: [x] That is, the Gentiles by the preaching of the Gospel shal helpe toward the building of this spiritual Temple. ] farre off, shal come and build in the Temple of the Lord, & ye shal know, that the Lorde of hostes hath sent me vnto you. And this shall come to passe, if ye will [Note: [y] If ye wil beleeue & remaine in the obedience of faith. ] obey the voyce of the Lord your God.


5 The true fasting. 11 The rebellion of the people is the cause of their affliction.

1 And in the fourth yeere of King Darius, the worde of the Lorde came vnto Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth moneth, euen in [Note: [a] Which conteined part of Nouember, and part of December. ] Chisleu,

2 For [Note: [b] That is, the rest of the people that remained yet in Caldea, sent to the Church at Ierusalem, for the resolution of these questions, because these feasts were consented vpon by the agreement of the whole Church, the one in the moneth that the Temple was destroyed, and the other when Gedaliah was slaine, Iere.41.2. ] they had sent vnto the House of God Sharezer, and Regem-melech and their men to pray before the Lord,

3 And to speake vnto the Priests, which were in the House of the Lorde of hostes, and to the Prophets, saying, Should I [Note: [c] By weeping, and mourning appeare what exercises they vsed in their fasting. ] weepe in the fift moneth, and [Note: [d] That is, prepare my selfe with all deuotion to this fast. ] separate my selfe as I haue done these so many [Note: [e] Which was nowe since the time the Temple was destroyed. ] yeeres?

4 Then came the word of the Lord of hostes vnto me, saying,

5 Speake vnto all the people of the land, and

[Hypocrites fasting. Citie of trueth.]

to the [Note: [f] For there were both of the people, and of the Priests, which doubted as touching this controuersie, besides them which as yet remained in Caldea, and reasoned of it, as of one of the chiefe pointes of their religion. ] Priests, and say, When ye fasted, & mourned in the fift & seuenth moneth, euen the seuentie yeeres, did ye fast vnto me? [Note: [g] For they thought they had deserued towarde God because of this fast, which they inuented of themselues: and though fasting of it selfe be good, yet because they thought it a seruice toward God, and trusted therein, it is here reprooued. ] doe I approoue it?

6 And when ye did eate, and when ye did drinke, did ye not eate [Note: [h] Did ye not eate, & drinke for your owne commoditie and necessitie? and so likewise ye did absteine according to your owne fantasies, and not after the prescript of my Lawe. ] for your selues, and drinke for your selues?

7 Should ye not heare the wordes, which the Lord [Note: [i] Hereby he condemneth their hypocrisie, which thought by their fasting to please God, & by such things as they inuented, & in the meane season would not serue him as he had commanded. ] hath cryed by the ministerie of the former Prophets when Ierusalem was inhabited, and in prosperitie, & the cities thereof round about her, when the South and the plaine was inhabited?

8 And the worde of the Lord came vnto Zechariah, saying,

9 Thus speaketh the Lorde of hostes, saying, [Note: [k] He sheweth, that they did not fast with a syncere heart, but for an hypocrisie, and that it was not done of a pure religion, because that they lacked these offices of charitie, which should haue declared that they were godly, Mat.23.23. ] Execute true iudgement, and shewe mercy and compassion, euery man to his brother,

10 And oppresse not the widowe, nor the fatherles, the stranger nor the poore, & let none of you imagine euil against his brother in your heart.

11 But they refused to hearken, and [Note: [l] And would not cary the Lords burden, which was sweete & easie, but would beare their owne, which was heauie and grieuous to the flesh, thinking to merite thereby: which similitude is taken of oxen, which shrinke at the yoke, Nehe.9.29. ] pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their eares, that they should not heare.

12 Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, least they should heare the Lawe and the wordes which the Lord of hostes sent in his [Note: [m] Which declareth that they rebelled not only against ye Prophets, but against ye Spirit of God yt spake in them. ] spirit by the ministerie of ye former Prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hostes.

13 Therefore it is come to passe, that as he cried, and they would not heare, so they cried, and I would not heare, sayth the Lord of hostes.

14 Bnt I scattered them among al the nations, whom they knew not: thus the land was desolate [Note: [n] That is, after they were caried captiue. ] after them, that no man passed through nor returned: for they layd the pleasant land [Note: [o] By their sinnes wherby they prouoked Gods anger. ] waste.


2 Of the returne of the people vnto Ierusalem, and of the mercy of God toward them. 16 Of good workes. 20 The calling of the Gentiles.

1 Againe the worde of the Lord of hostes came to me, saying,

2 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, I was [Note: [a] I loued my citie with a singular loue, so that I could not abide that any should doe her any iniurie. ] ielous for Zion with great ielousie, and I was ielous for her with great wrath.

3 Thus saith the Lord, I wil returne vnto Zion, & wil dwel in the mids of Ierusalem: & Ierusalem shalbe called a [Note: [b] Because she shall be faithfull, and loyall toward me her husband. ] citie of trueth, & the Mountaine of the Lord of hostes, the holy Mountaine.

4 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, There shall yet olde [Note: [c] Though their enemies did greatly molest & trouble them, yet God would come and dwel among them, and so preserue them so long as nature would suffer them to liue, and encrease their children in great abundance. ] men and olde women dwell in the streetes of Ierusalem, & euery man with his staffe in his hand for very age.

5 And the streetes of the citie shalbe full of boyes and girles, playing in the streetes thereof.

6 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, Though it be [Note: [d] He sheweth wherein our faith standeth, that is, to beleeue that God can performe that which he hath promised though it seeme neuer so vnpossible to man, Rom.4.20. Gen.18.14. ] vnpossible in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these dayes, should it therefore be vnpossible in my sight, sayth the Lord of hostes?

7 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, Beholde, I will deliuer my people from the East countrey, and from the West countrey.

[The vocation of the Gentiles.]

8 And I wil bring them, & they shal [Note: [e] So that their returne shall not be in vaine: for God wil accomplish his promise, and their prosperitie shalbe sure and stable. ] dwel in the mids of Ierusalem, & they shalbe my people, & I wil be their God in trueth, & in righteousnes.

9 Thus sayth the Lorde of hostes, Let your [Note: [f] Let neither respect of your priuate commodities, neither counsell of others, nor feare of enemies discourage you in the going forward wt the building of the Temple, but be constant and obey the Prophets, which incourage you thereunto. ] hands be strong, ye that heare in these dayes these words by the mouth of the Prophets, which were in the day, that the foundation of the House of the Lord of hostes was laide, that the Temple might be builded.

10 For before these dayes there was no hire for [Note: [g] For God cursed your work, so that neither man nor beast had profit of their labours. ] man nor any hire for beast, neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men, euery one against his neighbour.

11 But nowe, I wil not intreate the residue of this people as aforetime, saith the Lord of hostes.

12 For the seede shall be prosperous: the vine shall giue her fruite, and the ground shal giue her increase, and the heauens shall giue their dewe, and I will cause the remnant of this people to possesse all these things.

13 And it shal come to passe, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Iudah, and house of Israel, so wil I deliuer you, & ye shalbe a blessing: feare not, but let your hands be strong.

14 For thus sayth the Lorde of hostes, As I thought to punish [Note: [h] Reade Ezek. 18 20. ] you, when your fathers prouoked me vnto wrath, sayth the Lord of hostes, and repented not,

15 So againe haue I determined in these daies [Note: [i] Which declareth, that man can not turne to God till he change mans heart by his Spirit, and so begin to doe well, which is to pardon his sinnes and to giue him his graces. ] to doe well vnto Ierusalem, and to the house of Iudah: feare ye not.

16 These are ye things that ye shall doe. Speake ye euery man the trueth vnto his neighbour: execute iudgement truely & vprightly in your gates,

17 And let none of you imagine euill in your hearts against his neighbour, and loue no false othe: for all these are the things that I hate, saith the Lorde.

18 And the worde of the Lord of hostes came vnto me, saying,

19 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, The fast of the fourth moneth, and the fast of the fift, and the fast of the seuenth, & the fast of the [Note: [k] Which fast was appointed when the citie was besieged, and was the first fast of these foure: and here the Prophet sheweth, that if the Iewes wil repent, and turne wholy to God, they shall haue no more occasion to fast, or to shew signes of heauines: for God wil send them ioy and gladnes. ] tenth, shall be to the house of Iudah ioy & gladnes, & prosperous hie feasts: therefore loue the trueth & peace.

20 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, That there shall yet come [Note: [l] He declareth the great zeale that God should giue the Gentiles to come to his Church and to ioyne with the Iewes in his true religion, which should be in the kingdome of Christ. ] people, and the inhabitants of great cities.

21 And they that dwell in one citie, shal go to another, saying, [Note: Isa.2.2. micah 4.1. ] Vp, let vs go & pray before the Lord, and seeke the Lord of hostes: I wil go also.

22 Yea, great people and mightie nations shal come to seeke the Lorde of hostes in Ierusalem, and to pray before the Lord.

23 Thus sayth the Lord of hostes, In those dayes shall ten men take holde out of all languages of the nations, euen take holde of the skirt of him that is a Iewe, and say, We will go with you: for we haue heard that God is with you.


1 The threatning of the Gentiles. 9 The comming of Christ.

1 The burden of the worde of the Lorde in the land of [Note: [a] Whereby hee meaneth Syria. ] Hadrach: and Damascus shalbe his [Note: [b] Gods anger shal abide vpon their chiefe citie, & not spare so much as that. ] rest: when the [Note: [c] When the Iewes shall conuert and repent, then God God will destroy their enemies. ] eyes of man, euen of all the tribes of Israel shalbe toward the Lord.

2 And Hamath also shall border [Note: [d] That is, by Damascus: meaning that Hamath or Antiochia should be vnder the same rod and plague. ] thereby:

[The comming of Christ.]

Tyrus also and Zidon, though they be [Note: [e] Hee secretly sheweth the cause of their destructio, because they deceiued all other by their craft and subtiltie, which they cloked with this name of wisdome. ] very wise.

3 For Tyrus did build her selfe a strong holde, and heaped vp siluer as the dust, and golde as the myre of the streetes.

4 Beholde, the Lord wil spoyle her, and he wil smite her [Note: [f] Though they of Tyrus thinke them selues inuincible by reason of the sea, yt compasseth them round about, yet they shall not escape Gods iudgements. ] power in the Sea, and she shalbe deuoured with fire.

5 Ashkelon shall see it, and feare, and Azzah also shalbe very sorowfull, and Ekron: for her countenance shalbe ashamed, & the King shal perish fro Azzah, & Ashkelon shal not be inhabited.

6 And the [Note: [g] Meaning, that all should be destroyed saue a very few, that should remaine as strangers. ] stranger shal dwell in Ashdod, and I wil cut off the pride of the Philistims.

7 And I wil take away his blood out of his mouth, and his abominations from betweene his [Note: [h] He promiseth to deliuer the Iewes when he shall take vengeace on their enemies, for their crueltie, & wrongs done to them. ] teeth: but he that remaineth, euen he shalbe for our God, and he shalbe as a prince in Iudah, but [Note: [i] As the Iebusites had bin destroyed, so should Ekron & all the Philistims. ] Ekron shalbe as a Iebusite.

8 And I will campe about [Note: [k] He sheweth that Gods power only shalbe sufficient to defend his Church against all aduersaries be they neuer so cruell, or assemble their power neuer so often. ] mine House against the armie, against him that passeth by, and against him that returneth, and no oppressour shall come vpon them any more: for now [Note: [l] That is, God hath nowe seene the great iniuries and afflictions wherewith they haue bene afflicted by their enemies. ] haue I seene with mine eyes.

9 Reioyce greatly, O daughter Zion: shoute for ioy, O daughter Ierusalem: beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee: [Note: [m] That is, he hath righteousnes, and saluation in him selfe for the vse & commoditie of his Church. ] he is iust and saued himselfe, poore and riding vpon an [Note: [n] Which declareth that they should not looke for such a King as should be glorious In the eies of man, but shoulde be poore, and yet in himselfe haue all power to deliuer his: and this is meant of Christ, as Mat.21.5. ] asse, and vpon a colt the foale of an asse.

10 And I wil cut off the [Note: [o] No power of man or creature shalbe able to let this kingdome of Christ, & he shal peaceably gouerne them by his worde. ] charets from Ephraim, and the horse from Ierusalem: the bowe of the battel shalbe broken, & he shal speake peace vnto the heathen, & his dominion shalbe from [Note: [p] That is, from the red sea, to the sea called Syriacum: and by these places which the Iewes knewe, he meant an infinite space and compasse ouer the whole world. ] sea vnto sea, & from the [Note: [q] That is, from Euphrates. ] Riuer to the end of the land.

11 [Note: [r] Meaning, Ierusalem or the Church, which is saued by the blood of Christ, whereof the blood of the sacrifices was a figure, and is here called the couenant of the Church, because God made it with his Church, and left it with them for the loue that he bare vnto them. ] Thou also shalt be saued through the blood of thy couenant. I haue loosed thy [Note: [s] God sheweth that he wil deliuer his Church out of all dangers, seeme they neuer so great. ] prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.

12 Turne you to the [Note: [t] That is, into the holy lande where the citie and the Temple are, where God will defend you. ] strong holde, ye [Note: [u] Meaning, the faithfull, which seemed to be in danger of their enemies on euery side, & yet liued in hope that God would restore them to libertie. ] prisoners of hope: euen to day doe I declare, that I will render the [Note: [x] That is, double benefites, and prosperitie in respect of that which your fathers enioyed from Dauids time to the captiuitie. ] double vnto thee.

13 For Iudah haue I [Note: [y] I wil make Iudah and Ephraim, that is, my whole Church, victorious against all enemies, which he here meaneth by the Grecians. ] bent as a bowe for me: Ephraims hand haue I filled, and I haue raised vp thy sonnes, O Zion, against thy sonnes, O Grecia, and haue made thee as a gyants sword.

14 And the Lord shalbe seene ouer them, and his arrowe shal go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shal blowe the trumpet, and shal come forth with the whirlewindes of the South.

15 The Lord of hostes shall defend them, and they shal deuoure them, [Note: [z] He promiseth that the Iewes shall destroy their enemies and haue abundance, and excesse of all things, as there is abundance on the altar when the sacrifice is offered: Which things are not to moue them to intemperancie, but to sobrietie, and a thankfull remembrance of Gods great liberalitie. ] and subdue them with sling stones, and they shall drinke, and make a noyse as thorowe wine, and they shalbe filled like bowles, and as the hornes of the altar.

16 And the Lord their God shal deliuer them in that day as the flocke of his people: for they

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[Ephraim as a gyane.]

shall be as the [Note: [a] The faithfull shall be preserued, and reuerenced of all, that the very enemies shall be compelled to esteeme them: for Gods glorie shall shine in them, as Iosephus declareth of Alexander the great when he met Iadi the high Priest. ] stones of the crowne lifted vp vpon his land.

17 For howe great is his goodnesse! and howe great is his beautie! corne shall make the yong men cherefull, and newe wine the maides.


1 The vanitie of idolatrie. 3 The Lorde promiseth to visite and comfort the house of Israel.

1 Aske you of the [Note: [a] The Prophet reproueth the Iewes because by their owne infidelitie they put backe Gods graces promised, and so famine came by Gods iust iudgement: therefore to auoyde this plague he willeth them to turne to God, and to pray in faith to him, and so he will giue them abundance. ] Lord raine in the time of the latter raine: so shall the Lorde make white cloudes, and giue you showers of raine, and to euery one grasse in the field.

2 Surely [Note: [b] He calleth to remembrance Gods punishments in times past because they trusted not in him, but in their idoles and sorcerers who euer deceiued them. ] the idols haue spoken vanitie, and the southsayers haue seene a lye, and the dreamers haue tolde a vaine thing: they comfort in vaine: therefore [Note: [c] That is, the Iewes went into captiuitie. ] they went away as sheepe: they were troubled, because there was no shepheard.

3 My wrath was kindled against the shepherdes, and I did visite the [Note: [d] Meaning, the cruell gouernours which did oppresse the poore sheepe, Ezek.34.16,17. ] goates: but the Lord of hostes will visite his flocke the house of Iudah, and will make them as [Note: [e] He will be merciful to his Church and cherish them as a King or Prince doeth his best horse which shall be for his owne vse in the warre. ] his beautifull horse in the battell.

4 Out [Note: [f] Out of Iudah shall the chiefe gouernour proceede, who shall be as a corner to vpholde the building, and as a naile to fasten it together. ] of him shall the corner come foorth: out of him the nayle, out of him ye bowe of battell, and out of him euery [Note: [g] Ouer their enemies. ] appointer of tribute also.

5 And they shalbe as the mightie men, which treade downe their enemies in the mire of the streetes in the battell, and they shall fight, because the Lorde is with them, and the riders on horses shall be confounded.

6 And I will strengthen the house of Iudah, and I will preserue the house [Note: [h] That is, the ten tribes, which should be gathered vnder Christ to the rest of the Church. ] of Ioseph, and I wil bring them againe, for I pitie them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the Lord their God, and will heare them.

7 And they of Ephraim shall be as a gyant, and their heart shall reioyce as thorowe wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad: and their heart shall reioyce in the Lord.

8 I will [Note: [i] Whereby he declareth the power of God who needeth no great preparation when he will deliuer his: for with a becke or hisse he can call them from all places suddenly. ] hisse for them, and gather them: for I haue redeemed them: and they shall encrease, as they haue encreased.

9 And I will [Note: [k] Though they shall yet be scattered and seeme to be lost, yet it shall be profitable vnto them: for there they shall come to the knowledge of my Name, which was accomplished vnder the Gospel, among whom it was first preached. ] sowe them among the people, and they shall remember me in farre countreys: and they shall liue with their children and [Note: [l] Not that they shoulde returne into their countrey, but be gathered and ioyned in one faith by the doctrine of the Gospel. ] turne againe.

10 I will bring them againe also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Asshur: and I will bring them into the land of Gilead, and Lebanon, and place shall not be found for them.

11 And he [Note: [m] He alludeth to the deliuerance of the people out of Egypt, where as the Angel smote the floodes and riuers. ] shall goe into the sea with affliction, and shall smite the waues in the sea, and all the depthes of the riuer shall drye vp: and the pride of Asshur shall be cast downe, and the scepter of Egypt shall depart away.

12 And I will strengthen them in the Lorde, and they shall walke in his Name, sayth the Lorde.


1 The destruction of the Temple. 4 The care of the faithfull is committed to Christ. 7 A grieuous vision against Ierusalem and Iudah.

[Two staues.]

1 Open thy doores, O [Note: [a] Because the Iewes thought themselues so strong by reason of this mountaine, that no enemie coulde come to hurt them, the Prophet sheweth, that when God sendeth the enemies, it shall shewe it selfe readie to receiue them. ] Lebanon, and the fire shall deuoure thy cedars.

2 Houle, [Note: [b] Shewing that if the strong men were destroyed, the weaker were not able to resist. ] firre trees: for the cedar is fallen, because all the mightie are destroyed: houle ye, O okes of Bashan, for ye [Note: [c] Seeing that Lebanon was destroyed, which was the strongest munition, the weaker places could not thinke to holde out. ] defesed forest is cut downe.

3 There is the voyce of the houling of the shepherdes: for their [Note: [d] That is, the renoume of Iudah and Israel should perish. ] glorie is destroyed: the voyce of ye roaring of lyons whelpes: for the pride of Iorden is destroyed.

4 Thus sayeth the Lorde my God, Feede the sheepe of the [Note: [e] Which being nowe destinate to be slayne, were deliuered as out of the lions mouth. ] slaughter.

5 They that possesse them, slay them [Note: [f] Their gouernours destroy them without any remorse of conscience, or yet thinking that they doe euill. ] and sinne not: and they that sell them, say, [Note: [g] He noteth the hypocrites, which euer haue the Name of God in their mouthes, though in their life and doings they denie God, attributing their gaine to Gods blessing, which commeth of the spoyle of their brethren. ] Blessed be the Lord: for I am riche, and their owne shepherds spare them not.

6 Surely I wil no more spare those that dwell in the land, sayth the Lord: but loe, [Note: [h] I will cause one to destroy another. ] I will deliuer the men euery one into his neighbours hand, and into the hand of his [Note: [i] Their gouernours shall execute crueltie ouer them. ] King: and they shal smite the land, and out of their hands I wil not deliuer them.

7 For I fed the sheepe of slaughter, euen the [Note: [k] That is, the small remnant, whom he thought worthie to shewe mercie vnto. ] poore of the flocke, and I tooke vnto me [Note: [l] God sheweth his great benefites towarde his people to conuince them of greater ingratitude, which would neither be ruled by his most beautifull order of gouernement, neither continue in the bandes of brotherly vnitie, and therefore he breaketh both the one and the other. Some reade, for Bandes Destroyers, but in the 14. verse the first reading is confirmed. ] two staues: the one I called Beautie, and the other I called Bandes, and I fed the sheepe.

8 [Note: [m] Whereby he sheweth his care and diligence that he would suffer them to haue no euill rulers, because they should consider his great loue. ] Three shepherdes also I cut off in one moneth, and my soule lothed [Note: [n] Meaning, the people, because they would not acknowledge these great benefites of God. ] them, and their soule abhorred me.

9 Then said I, I will not feede you: that that dyeth, let it dye: and that that perisheth, let it perish: and let the remnant eate, euery one the flesh of his neighbour.

10 And I tooke my staffe, euen Beautie, and brake it, that I might disanull my couenant, which I had made with all people.

11 And it was broken in that day: and so the [Note: [o] He sheweth that the least part euer profite by Gods iudgements. ] poore of the sheepe that waited vpon me, knew that it was the worde of the Lord.

12 And I said vnto them, If ye thinke it good, giue me [Note: [p] Besides their ingratitude God accuseth them of malice and wickednesse, which did not onely forget his benefites, but esteemed them as things of nought. ] my wages: and if no, leaue off: so they weighed for my wages thirtie pieces of siluer.

13 And the Lord said vnto me, Cast it vnto the [Note: [q] Shewing that it was too litle to pay his wages, which could scarse suffice to make a fewe tyles for to couer the Temple. ] potter: a goodly price, that I was valued at of them. And I tooke the thirtie pieces of siluer, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.

14 Then brake I mine other staffe, euen the Bandes, that I might dissolue the brotherhood betweene Iudah and Israel.

15 And the Lord said vnto me, Take to thee yet [Note: [r] Signifying, that they shoulde haue a certaine kinde of regiment, and outwarde shewe of gouernement: but in effect it should be nothing: for they shoulde be wolues, and deuouring beastes in steade of shepheardes. ] the instruments of a foolish shepheard.

16 For loe, I will rayse vp a shepheard in the land, which shall not looke for the thing, that is lost, nor seeke the tender lambes, nor heale that that is hurt, nor feede that that [Note: [s] And is in health and sounde. ] standeth vp: but he shall eate the flesh of the fat, and teare their clawes in pieces.

17 O idole shepheard that leaueth the flocke: the sword shalbe vpon his [Note: [t] By the arme he signifieth strength, as he doth wisedome and iudgement by the eye: that is, the plague of God shall take away both thy strength and iudgement. ] arme, & vpon his right [Page]

[The Spirit of grace.]

eye. His arme shall be cleane dryed vp, and his right eye shall be vtterly darkened.


Of the destruction and building againe of Ierusalem.

1 The burden of the worde of the Lorde vpon [Note: [a] That is, the tenne tribes, which neglected Gods benefite in deliuering their brethren, and had rather remaine in captiuitie, then to returne home, when God called them. ] Israel, sayth the Lorde, which spred the heauens, and layed the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirite of man within him.

2 Beholde, I will make Ierusalem a [Note: [b] Ierusalem shall be defended against all her enemies: so shall God defende all Iudah also, and shall destroy the enemies. ] cuppe of poyson vnto all the people round about: and also with Iudah will he be, in ye siege against Ierusalem.

3 And in that day will I make Ierusalem an heauie stone for all people: all that lift it vp, shall be torne, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

4 In that day, sayeth the Lorde, I will smite euery horse with stonishment, and his rider with madnesse, and I will open mine eyes vpon the house of Iudah, and will smite euery horse of the people with blindnesse.

5 And the princes of Iudah shall say in their hearts, The [Note: [c] Euery captaine, that had many vnder him afore, shall nowe thinke that the small power of Ierusalem shall be sufficient to defend them against all enemies, because the Lord is among them. ] inhabitants of Ierusalem shall be my strength in the Lord of hostes their God.

6 In that day will I make the princes of Iudah like coles of fire among the wood, and like a fire brand in the sheafe, and they shall deuoure all the people round about on the right hand, and on the left: and Ierusalem shall be inhabited againe in her owne place, euen in Ierusalem.

7 The Lord also shall preserue the [Note: [d] The people which are nowe as it were dispersed by the fieldes, and lye open to their enemies, shall be no lesse preserued by my power, then if they were vnder their Kings, (which is ment by the house of Dauid) or in their defensed cities. ] tents of Iudah, as afore time: therefore the glorie of the house of Dauid shall not boast, nor the glorie of the inhabitants of Ierusalem against Iudah.

8 In that day shall the Lord defende the inhabitants of Ierusalem, & he that is feeble among them, in that day shall be as Dauid: and the house of Dauid shall be as Gods house, and as the Angel of the Lord before them.

9 And in that day will I seeke to destroy all the nations that come against Ierusalem.

10 And I will powre vpon the house of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the Spirite of [Note: [e] They shall haue the feeling of my grace by faith, and knowe that I haue compassion on them. ] grace and of compassion, and they shall looke vpon me, whom they haue [Note: [f] That is, whom they haue continually vexed with their obstinacie, and grieued my Spirit, Iohn 19 37. where it is referred to Christes body, which here is referred to the Spirit of God. ] pearced, and they shall lament for [Note: [g] They shall turne to God by true repentance, whom before they had so grieuously offended by their ingratitude. ] him, as one mourneth for his onely sonne, and be sorie for him as one is sorie for his first borne.

11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Ierusalem, as the [Note: [h] They shall lament and repent exceedingly for their offences against God. ] mourning of [Note: [i] Which was the name of a towne and place neere to Megiddo where Iosiah was slaine, 2.Chro.35.22. ] Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

12 And the [Note: [k] That is, in all places where the Iewes shall remaine. ] land shall bewayle euery familie [Note: [l] Signifying that this mourning or repentance shoulde not be a vaine ceremonie: but euery one touched with his owne griefe shall lament. ] apart, the familie of the [Note: [m] Vnder these certaine families he conteineth all the tribes, and sheweth that both the Kings and the Priests had by their sinnes perced Christ. ] house of Dauid apart, and their wiues apart: the familie of the house of Nathan apart, and their wiues apart:

13 The familie of the house of Leui apart, and their wiues apart: the familie of [Note: [n] Called also Simeon. ] Shemei apart, and their wiues apart:

14 All the families that [Note: [o] To wit, which were elect by grace, and preserued from the common destruction. ] remaine, euery familie apart, and their wiues apart.


1 Of the fountaine of grace. 2 Of the cleane riddance of idolatrie. 3 The zeale of the godly against false prophets.

[The fountaine opened.]

1 In that day there [Note: [a] He sheweth what shall be the fruite of their repentance, to wit, remission of sinnes, by the blood of Christ, which shall be a continual running fountaine, and purge them from all vncleannesse. ] shall be a fountaine opened to the house of Dauid, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem, for sinne and for vncleannesse.

2 And in that day, sayth the Lord of hostes, I will cut off the [Note: [b] He promiseth that God will also purge them from all superstition, and that their religion shall be pure. ] names of the idoles out of the land: and they shall no more be remembred: and I will cause the [Note: [c] Meaning, the false prophets and teachers, who are the corrupters of all religion, whom the Prophet here calleth vncleane spirites. ] prophets, and the vncleane spirit to depart out of the land.

3 And when any shall yet [Note: [d] That is, when they shall prophesie lies, and make God, who is the authour of trueth, a cloke thereunto. ] prophesie, his father and his mother that begate him, shall say vnto him, Thou shalt not liue: for thou speakest lies in the name of the Lorde: and his father and his mother that begat him, [Note: [e] He sheweth what zeale the godly shall haue vnder the kingdome of Christ, Deut.13.6,9. ] shal thrust him through, when he prophesieth.

4 And in that day shall the prophetes [Note: [f] God shall make them ashamed of their errors and lies, and bring them to repentance, and they shall no more weare Prophets apparell to make their doctrine seeme more holy. ] be ashamed euery one of his vision, when he hath prophesied: neither shall they weare a rough garment to deceiue.

5 But he shall say, I am no [Note: [g] They shall confesse their former ignorance, and be content to labour for their liuing. ] Prophet: I am an husbandman: for man taught me to be an heardman from my youth vp.

6 And one shal say vnto him, What are these [Note: [h] Hereby he sheweth that though their parents and friendes dealt more gently with them, and put them not to death, yet they would so puuish their children, that became false prophets, that the markes and signes shoulde remaine for euer. ] woundes in thine hands? Then he shall answere, Thus was I wounded in the house of my friendes.

7 ¶ Arise, O sword, vpon my [Note: [i] The Prophet warneth the Iewes, that before this great comfort should come vnder Christ, there shoulde be an horrible dissipation among the people: for their gouernours and pastors should be destroyed, and the people shoulde be as scattered sheepe: and the Euangelist applieth this to Christ, because he was the head of all Pastours, Matth. 26.31. ] shepheard, and vpon the man, that is my fellow, sayth the Lord of hostes: smite the shepheard, and the sheepe shall be scattered: and I will turne mine hand vpon the litle ones.

8 And in all the land, sayeth the Lord, [Note: [k] The greatest part shall haue no portion of these blessings, and yet they that shall enioy them, shall be tryed with great afflictions, so that it shall be knowen that onely Gods power and his mercies doe preserue them. ] two partes therein shall be cut off, and die: but the third shall be left therein.

9 And I will bring that third part thorowe the fire, and will fine them as the siluer is fined, and will trye them as golde is tryed: they shall call on my Name, and I will heare them: I will say, It is my people, and they shall say, The Lorde is my God.


8 Of the destruction that shall proceede out of the Church, and of the restauration thereof.

1 Beholde, the day of the Lorde commeth, and thy spoyle shall be [Note: [a] He armeth the godly against the great tentations that should come, before they enioyed this prosperous estate promised vnder Christ, that when these dangers should come, they might knowe that they were warned of them afore. ] deuided in the middes of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Ierusalem to battell, and the citie shall be taken, and the houses spoyled, and the women defiled, and halfe of the citie shall goe into captiuitie, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from ye citie.

3 Then shall the Lord goe foorth, and fight against those nations, as when [Note: [b] As your fathers, and you haue had experience both at the red Sea and at all other times. ] he fought in the day of battell.

4 And his feete shall stand in that day vpon the [Note: [c] By this maner of speache the Prophet sheweth Gods power and care ouer his Church, and how he will as it were by miracle saue it. ] mount of oliues, which is before Ierusalem on the Eastside, & the mount of oliues shal cleaue in the middes thereof: toward the East & toward the West there shalbe a very great [Note: [d] So that out of al the partes of the world, they shall see Ierusalem, which was before hid wt this moutaine: & this he meaneth of ye spirituall Ierusale ye Church. ] valley, & halfe

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[Waters of life.]

of ye mountaine shall remooue toward the North, and halfe of the mountaine towarde the South.
5 And yee shall flee vnto the [Note: [e] He speaketh of the hypocrites, which coulde not abide Gods presence, but shoulde flee into all places, where they might hide them among the mountaines ] valley of the mountaines: for the valley of the mountaines shal reache vnto Azal: yea, yee shall flee like as ye fled from the [Note: [f] Read Amos 1.1. ] earthquake in the daies of Vzziah King of Iudah: and the Lord [Note: [g] Because they did not credit the Prophets wordes, he turneth to God, and comforteth himselfe in that that he knew that these things should come, and sayeth, Thou, O God, with thine Angels wilt come to performe this great thing. ] my God shall come, and all the Saints with thee.

6 And in that day shall there bee no cleare light, but darke.

7 And there shall bee a day (it is knowen to the Lorde) [Note: [h] Signifying, that there shoulde be great troubles in the Church, & that the time hereof is in the Lords hands, yet at legth (which is here ment by the euening) God would send comfort. ] neither day nor night, but about the euening time it shall be light.

8 And in that day shall there [Note: [i] That is, the spiritual graces of God, which should euer continue in most abundance. ] waters of life goe out from Ierusalem, halfe of them towarde the East sea, and halfe of them towarde the vttermost sea, and shall be, both in sommer and winter.

9 And the Lorde shall bee King ouer all the earth: in that day shall there bee one [Note: [k] All idolatrie and superstition shall be abolished, and there shalbe one God, one faith, and one religion. ] Lorde, and his Name shalbe one.

10 All the lande shall bee turned [Note: [l] This newe Ierusalem shall be seene through all the worlde, and shall excell the first in excellencie, wealth and greatnesse. ] as a plaine from Geba to Rimmon, towarde the South of Ierusalem, and it shall be lifted vp, and inhabited in her place: from Beniamins gate vnto the place of the first gate, vnto the corner gate, and from the towre of Hananiel, vnto the Kings wine presses.

11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall bee no more destruction, but Ierusalem shall bee safely inhabited.

12 And this shall bee the plague, wherewith the Lorde will smite all people, that haue fought against Ierusalem: their flesh shall consume away, though they stand vpon their feete, and their eyes shall consume in their holes, and their tongue shall consume in their mouth.

[Holines in all.]

13 But in that day [Note: [m] God will not onely raise vp warre without, but sedition at home to trie them. ] a great tumult of the Lorde shall be among them, and euery one shall take [Note: [n] To hurt, and oppresse him. ] the hande of his neighbour, and his hande shall rise vp against the hand of his neighbour.

14 And Iudah shall fight also against Ierusalem, and the arme of all the heathen shall be gathered rounde about, with [Note: [o] The enemies are rich, and therefore shall not come for a pray, but to destroy and shed blood. ] golde and siluer, and great abundance of apparell.

15 Yet this shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camell and of the asse and of all the beasts that be in these tents as this [Note: [p] As the men should be destroied, verse 12. ] plague.

16 But it shall come to passe that euery one that is left of all the nations, which came against Ierusalem, shall goe vp from yere to yere to worship the King the Lord of hostes, and to keepe the feast of Tabernacles.

17 And who so will not come vp of all the families of the earth vnto Ierusalem to worship the King the Lorde of hostes, euen vpon them shall come no raine.

18 And if the familie of [Note: [q] By the Egyptians, which were greatest enemies to true religion, he meaneth all the Gentiles. ] Egypt goe not vp, and come not, it shall not raine vpon them. This shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the heathen, that come not vp to keepe the feast of Tabernacles.

19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations that come not vp to keepe the feast of Tabernacles.

20 In that day shall there be written vpon the [Note: [r] Signifying, that to what seruice they were put nowe (whether to labour, or to serue in warre) they were nowe holy, because the Lorde had sactified them. ] bridles of the horses, The holinesse vnto the Lord, and the [Note: [s] As precious the one as the other, because they shall be sanctified. ] pottes in the Lords house shall be like the bowles before the altar.

21 Yea, euery potte in Ierusalem and Iudah shall be holy vnto the Lorde of hostes, and all they that sacrifice, shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the [Note: [t] But all shall be pure, and cleane, and there shal neither be hypocrite, or any that shall corrupt the true seruice of God. ] Canaanite in the House of the Lord of hostes.